Why do people think the leash law doesn’t apply to them?


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2022
Ur mom’s car
Ricochet - Cockatiel
Cricket - Budgie
Recently, I was at the park, and I was minding my business, listening to music on the swings. This woman, with her pit bull (of course it’s a pit bull) and two toddlers enter the park. I think nothing of it, and I don’t pay them any mind. She wouldn’t have an aggressive or poorly trained dog off leash, right?

The dog is running around off leash, the kids are playing on the equipment, and the mom was sitting around, on her phone. Nothing too crazy… I mean, she’s kinda stupid for not watching her dog or kids, but SURELY her kids and dog were well behaved… it’s not like there were many other people there— just me and them.

After not even 10 minutes, her shit-Bull runs over to me and nips my left ankle, and then jumps up and bites my leg! She grabs her dog’s collar, after I start yelling to scare off the dog, and I’m bleeding, with a big hole in my leg. I say “Your dog just fucking bit me!” and she shrugs, saying “sorry, it’s my sister’s dog, and walks back to the bench, and goes back into her phone.

I call my family, get taken to urgent care, I’m bleeding everywhere, crying, freaking out, and I went into shock.

My dad tries getting info, the lady gives him a fake number, and then tries fleeing. She gets followed, pictures of her house and license plates are taken, and the animal control report gets made. Whats even crazier, is she played dumb BEFORE he got any info, and acted like her dog NEVER bit me… even though I have a literal HOLE in my leg, and blood all over myself and my shoe, and was on the way to the Urgent Care. And then, she ADMITTED that the dog didn’t like new people, yet she STILL had her pit bull off leash!

This made me wonder… why do some people feel like the leash law doesn’t apply to them? Are they stupid? Entitled? My dog is pretty well trained, would absolutely NEVER bite, and she heeds to recall most of the time, BUT I would NEVER let her off leash! For her safety, really.

I know, it’s stupid to expect the same courtesy that you give to people, for them to give it right back, and I know it’s moronic to project my thoughts onto someone else, but *come on.* it’s basic decency to keep your dog on a leash! Especially if you KNOW it’s aggressive towards new people!!!

If she was watching her damned dog, or even better: HAD IT ON A LEASH, this would have never happened.

She wouldn’t be (or is soon to be) in legal trouble, and I wouldn’t have a painful bruise, a gross hole in the back of my calf, and have even more trauma and resentment towards dogs.

And I’m obviously not the only one, who’s been affected by people NOT following the leash law. For instance: dogs, cats, children, adults, and elders who have been mauled for simply walking down the street, or just being in the *park!* dog park, public park, anywhere.

The leash law exists for a reason. And I’m absolutely sick of people NOT following it… god forbid they follow a rule, right? And rarely does the no-leashes suffer! Their dog gets euthanized, and whoever was attacked, either dies, gets horribly injured, or get disabled! The no-leasher simply gets a slap on the wrist and sent on their merry.

I’ve always hated that people don’t leash their dogs, but I hate it even MORE, now that I’ve been bit, *unprovoked.*

I’m sick of entitled, stupid owners.

Why do these people think the law doesn’t apply to them?

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