Why chickens make good pets

Thanks, enjoyed the read!
If you're not in a Farming area, check your local rules regarding Farm Animals in Urban areas. No reason to have your family fall in Love with chickens only to find that your community does not allow them.
I read some where, Scientific American I believe, that chickens are a lot smarter than was previously supposed. Not parrot smart, but chicken smart. Their intelligence is linked to their life style, which after 1000's of generations has evolved to farm life style.

However I couldn't keep a pet chicken, knowing that it might be on the menu!
Some communities are passing regulations allowing chickens! If you live in a association monitored neighborhood, you may have issues!
I have a friend that lives off a main drag in his town that has a few Bantys for egg reasons. They wander around his yard picking at this and that. They come when called,he even has one "pet" that likes to go for rides in the car,will sleep with his shi-zu in the house,will ride in his grandkids wagon or bicycle basket!
A crazy bird indeed lol.

Lovely article, thanks for sharing! I have some of these outdoor pets - and they are much smarter than I was led to believe before I got some of my own :)
I've always wanted a small flock of chickens but they're not allowed in my neighborhood x.x
Thank you, Cardinal! I enjoyed the article.

First time we’ve ever had chickens. They are all hens and very friendly. We brought them home March 22.

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Thank you Cardinal....lovely to read the truth about my babies...we currently have 6 hens and a very handsome rooster, all pets and eat out of our hands or come up for cuddles. We lost our long time pet hen Rosie just before I joined the forum. Rosie thought that she was another dog as she shared bones and slept with our dog. She was a great guard-chook as well and went off whenever there was a snake or raptor near by. She also came whenever she was called - I reckon she was a bit more obedient than our dog in this area LOL...forever missed - is our beloved Rosie...here's a pic of her hanging about on the BBQ.


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This spring our local Tractor Supply had a variety of chickens,turkeys,and ducks for sale,all babies of course. And they were cheap! $2.95 I think for a chicken but you had to buy six at a time...my brother would have shot me! :eek: :rolleyes:

Love my girls! This is raven, my favorite. She is an Asian blue.

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She’s very pretty. Love the name, it fits her.

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