Why can't he just make up his mind?!


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
Andrew, my other half, wanted a Grey. We put a deposit down on for one at our Breeders. Then rang her about two weeks ago asking if we could have it on a later clutch instead (as we wanted to make sure we had MORE than enough money, as with the move we've spent more than expected). She was a little annoyed, but very understanding and said it's fine as she has another clutch and she won't take the deposit away from us.

NOW however, Andrews had second thoughts because of Merlin. He doesn't want such a big bird for Merlin, he'd rather something smaller... something like another senegal.

This breeder is where we got Merlin from and we know she's good, but I feel so angry that we're "messing" her around, seeming really fickle about our choice of birds and stuff. It's just really annoying as I'd hate her opinion of me to go down, but I'm happy with whichever, the pros/cons of a CAG vs another poi.

I just, eurg. I'm beyond annoyed with it all at the moment. I wish he would have thought /everything/ through like I tried to explain he needed to before jumping in from making me switch from a b&g, to a grey, to a later clutch, and then possibly to a senegal. :(
Hi l feel for you , But this women either way will most likely make a sale & she must understand both u & hubby need to be happy with your decision. So l am thinking u may need to ask her what the pro,s and con,s will be for your other bird, if u explain all your concerns make sure your hubby is with u when you all get together for a finally decision, then all agree on it and this time stick to it . Crossing my fingers all will be happy & your final reward will be a new bird ? Good luck..
The reason why you would consider another smaller birds are valid - and while I understand why you are annoyed with the situation (I would feel the same) if she's truly a great breeder, she should be able to understand. After all, size difference does make a difference, the beak power of an African Grey is larger than one of a Senegal. If this is a true worry from you, then she should be able to respect it.

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