Whole Foods frangance oils


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Aug 25, 2016
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Can I use the fragrance oils you buy at Whole Foods in an oil warmer in the bird room? I believe these oils are natural.
Do you know the brand of the oils? A lot of essential oils have had impurities put in them deliberately which can prove fatal to birds.
Natural is not a synonym for good or healthy. Anything that puts fragrance/fumes in the air is not good for parrots and I would probably avoid them.
Well, I have also read in a parrot site that lavender oil placed on a cotton ball in an open container is ok. This allows fragrance to the air, is this wrong info as well?

The brand name of Whole Foods oil is Aura Cacia. My sister in law uses these. She's an all natural kinda gal. Right now she has Cinnamon leaf. The ingredients only state: Cinnmon leaf oil.

Reason asking is not only to dread gen up our room, since weather is cooling here we can't always have windows open and although olivers cage is cleaned each night and carpet vacuumed around cage daily, its smelling like feather dusty.

How about simmering cinnamon sticks in a simmer crock is that okay?
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