White Sun flight feathers


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Las Cruces, NM
Pineapple Turquoise Greencheek Conure-Ivy❤️, Male Cockatiel-Lusa (aka Bub =D)
Hello! My sunny came to already clipped unfortunately, but I've had him for about 8.5 months and his primaries are starting to grow in! Yay! However the tips are white.

I found a super old thread from 2012, And I've looked around the internet without much luck, but wanted to see if anyone knew of any new research or knows why this occurs and what I can expect in the future. Will they grow back normally next molt? Will they stay the same or get whiter over time? He's on a primarily pellet diet with fruits and veggies and he also gets sunflower seeds for training purpose only.
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Not sure, Danny.
Could there be a distant color mutation in there somewhere?
Meanwhile... congratulations on your successful adoption.
How about a picture? I'd love to see one and it might help somebody else give you an answer.
Do you have any photos of it?

I found this not sure if it is real or not.

Most likely is just be a mutation.
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GaleriaGila, thats that i was thinking. I know it isn't a vitamin deficiency because he is eating very well! Much better than I expected anyway lol and thank you! I do have some pictures! Meet Milo! <3:orange:
My little cutie. Lol





Snowflake311, I believe the white and blue is real. I've seen one other blue mutation but he was all blue with no white. I was thinking that it was just a mutation but I've also read some stories where their sunny didnt have the white tips but after a random molt they just appeared?? It also is just the tips not the entire feather. I have no clue and I wasn't able to see what he looked like before he was clipped.

Don't mind his slight raggedyness lol he's not the best at keeping his feathers in tip top shape! He used to look very ragged, I've set up his cage to limit his tail from rubbing against the cage bars and i'm not sure if he knows how to preen his new flight feathers exactly, and he also still has his baby clumsiness lol Definitely better than when I got him! (:)

BTW Snowflake How in the world did you upload a picture like that?? I had to put mine on photobucket and supply the link lol
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My eleven year old Sun has pale cream colored patches on the tips of a few flight feathers. He gets regular vet check-ups and is perfectly healthy. I've seen the same thing on other Sun conures as well. It appears to simply be a random manifestation of bio-individuality within the species.
Its just normal and not a mutation as far as I know. My sun along with many others have this also. It could be a number of things, one of them being that they may not be eating enough of the food that contains the chemicals in order to produce yellow pigment that they eat in their native range, or it could just be a common genetic flaw / the soft yellow color fades easily in the longer flight feathers. It also could be due to not the best breeding practices therefore weak genes but I hope and dont think that is the case as its very common.
There is an Segment in the Amazon Forum in the first Stickly (light blue section) and that Thread starts with I Love Amazons .... Go to Page Five and read the Segment: Help, My Amazons is Falling Apart, or something like that. I believe it will address many of your questions regarding Molting and new Flight Feathers. Elsewhere in the Thread is a Segment regarding Re-Fledging an Adult Amazon. Yes, different Parrots, but lots of cross-species information.

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