Looking on Amazon (ironically ) for books on Amazon parrots, and I found several. Just wondering if anyone has read them/can recommend which is best?
(I'm planning on buying Parrots for Dummies as well)
So the books are: 'Amazon Parrots' by Werner Lantermann, 'The Bird Keeper's Guide to Amazon Parrots' by Greg Glendell and 'Amazon Parrots' by Gayle Soucek.
http://www.booktopia.com.au/search.ep?author=Werner Lantermann
(I'm planning on buying Parrots for Dummies as well)
So the books are: 'Amazon Parrots' by Werner Lantermann, 'The Bird Keeper's Guide to Amazon Parrots' by Greg Glendell and 'Amazon Parrots' by Gayle Soucek.
http://www.booktopia.com.au/search.ep?author=Werner Lantermann