Alright, I know eating is a social thing for birds, but I want someone elses opinion. Helitorian is very lenient with her birds, letting Con and Barker eat off her plate, drink from her cup, and offering them drinks from her water bottle to the point where she told me Con flew over to her, landed on the other side of her cereal bowl, and started eating, and she had to go get Barker so she could do the same. I don't let Hiccup on me while I'm eating. I don't let her eat directly from my bowl or drink from my glass or bottle, cause I don't want her to think that what I eat she should eat, especially since I'm a coffee and tea drinker and I like sugary foods. I was wonder what everyone else thought about it. Do you let your birds eat right off your plate, or do you offer them some? Do you let them drink out of your cups and offer them drinks from your water bottles?