where getting there


Jan 29, 2025
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well where getting there, slowly but surely ladyhawk is beginning to understand im feeding her the spray mallet by hand at first i put it where she can easely reach it and then slowly mover it a little farther away so she has to come toward me to get it....shes still hissing at me and she still acts like shes going to bite me if she can get close enough to my hand but she is learning that if your nice the spray mallet stays but if you hiss or bite or try to bite mommy the spray mallet goes away she dosnt like it but after a couple of days of not getting any spray mallet she is learning .... im sure it seems much longer to her then to me before i try to give her the spray mallet again but at least now shes eating it while i talk quitely and softly to her when she hisses or trys to bite me i say NO sternly and walk away.... its a start.... its been a few years since i last had a bird so my memory isnt as sharp as it used to be but slowly and surely its all comming back to me lol espically since i put the bar stool next to her cage so i can stay there longer....id say dont get old but it beats the alternitive lol there might be hope for us yet!! lolnow if i can find a blank tape to put into my tape recorder i can say hello into it on one side and then let it play softly near her cage....maybe some day she'll say something maybe not.....i love her either way
I applaud you. Hang in there. Maybe peruse dietary/appetite threads to see what else might attract her, plus longterm nutrition.
I'm glad you're here!
iv saved several chop recipies on my computer but i onl get paid once a month so have to wait to get all the incredients...right now she gets a mix of casues apple and brokly...grreee my spelling any way lol and a little of seeds the pet store sold me....no sense letting go to waist and i dont add it every day i stick little peices of apple or banna or brokly in the little holes in the bird ball thats on the floor and change it evey day as so far she hasnt noticed might never notice it but its there if she wants it

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