when will my conures wings grow back?


New member
Nov 17, 2015
Austin, Texas
Pico - yellow sided GCC
whenever I first got my gcc Pico, the breeder asked me if I wanted his wings clipped and added that she recommended it. without putting much thought into it I said that it would be fine if they were clipped. Now that i've had him for a few months though, I wish that I hadn't. how long does it take for them to grow back? this is what they look like right now

He has to go through a molt before those feathers grow in. Since he's a baby, I'd expect to see them grow back by between 9-12 months of age.
Do you know if he'd ever fledged before he was clipped?
They usually grow back after their next full molt. It can happen over a period of time but it doesn't all happen at once.
We got our GCC in May from a pet store, so we had no choice in the matter. He still does not have his flight feathers back in . However, I have to say that it looks like your GCC has a pretty light clip, and that if you work on it, he CAN fly. Mine can't really gain altitude, but he can fly 20 ft or so. And if he's fairly close (6-8ft) he can gain enough altitude to go from the table to our shoulder.

We started with just having him hop from his stand to our hand, and back again. Then slowly increased the distance. Eventually he just learned that if you want it bad enough, you can still take off LOL It will help build his muscles and confidence for when those feathers do grow back in.
I have to say that it looks like your GCC has a pretty light clip, and that if you work on it, he CAN fly.

This ^

My GCC came to me with almost all the flights on his right wing (Or left, I can't recall) clipped down to nothing, along with a light clip on the other wing. The owners said he couldn't fly at all (They even took him outdoors, unrestrained) but just before I brought him home he took off and flew circles around the garage in an attempt to stay with his owners and not come with me.
His owners also said his wing had never been fully feathered and probably wouldn't grow back. It did. Took about 9 months but he's a better flyer than ever and oh so beautiful!
They usually grow back after their next full molt. It can happen over a period of time but it doesn't all happen at once.

What he said... next molt.

In the meantime, take this time to work with him a lot, and get him trained up. He'll be slightly harder to work with when he is flighted, and can decide to act up and be difficult to control.

If he's bonded, he generally won't act up, and will generally fly to you (Set them down, they come right back. "I wanna be with you."), not away from you (Ha ha! Can't catch me! I can lead you on a merry chase as long as that game is fun for me. Sometimes to their own detriment. Wait. Where am I? I was just playing. I didn't really want to leave...)
Yeah that's why most people have their birds clipped in the very beginning. The birds tend to be much less aggressive when they don't have flight feathers to escape with. It makes taming and training MUCH easier so that by the time the flight feathers have fully grown back the bird will likely be bonded to you and not feel the need to flight or fight.
To have them clipped from the beginning isn't always such a bad thing. Especially if they're new to you and your surroundings. I always test the bird in question if it needs a clip or not when I used to raise birds. It was an option I give to the new owners if they want to clip or not. On some I clip period cause I know how they act here would get worse if they're in a new home. But not all are the same, I still have one of my babies I've raised that's still with me, she's NEVER been clipped ever since she learn how to fly. She flies to me on command. The clipped feathers always grows back during their molt unless something happens that it can't grow back.

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