So my family and I have been looking into getting a parrot for over a year now. After doing extensive research, I still cannot decide on which species would be best for us. I always think I have it narrowed down and then I second guess myself because I just want to make sure to make the right choice. For instance, I had settled on a cockatiel but then I began to worry about the dust after reading threads about some people having lung issues because of it. I have two young children so they are the main factor in my decision. I really want a bird that isn't a 'one person bird' (generally speaking on the species as a whole, I know that all birds have their individual personalities), one that isn't very dusty or nippy, and isn't too hyperactive (I've heard lovebirds can be 'manic' at times) and will sometimes just sit with us as we read or whatever we happen to be doing. Right now I have been looking into Meyer's parrots and eclectus, but I'm not sure either of those fit what I'm asking for. Basically, are there any species that have a similar personality to a cockatiel without all the dust? Am I asking for too much with these requirements? I just want to make the right choice for the bird and for my family.