What to do?


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
Hi! It's me again. I just wanted to ask... Oliver is molting really bad, so he has pin feathers all over. He won't let me help him with them, even if they aren't blood feathers.i know theyre really uncomfortable, but i want him to feel better. I read somewhere that giving your bird a bath helps with pin feathers. He won't take a shower by himself, but he's absolutely terrified of the spray/mister. And he stinks... lol. Anyways, what can i do to help him? Thanks for your help. =)
My Ekkie had a brief case of dry skin during his molting.
I went to the store & bought some Aloe juice put it in a spray bottle & sprayed him with it.The next day I was amazed to see that his feathers had brightened significally in color! Even the breeder I bought him from complemented me on the condition of his feathers :) Hope this helps :) Hope ur feathered baby feels better soon
Stinks, really? Birds usually don't smell bad.

I think try different bath scenarios if you haven't already. Different sized dishes, sink, bowl full of wet lettuce.... just hanging out in a steamy bathroom.
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Thanks Seaweed! I think I'll try that.
DebtsFlock- Ya, he smells weird. Like.. i don't know. But its from him. I've tried a bowl, and other stuff, but not the steamy bathroom, might try it.

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