What the heck just happened !?


New member
Nov 19, 2014
South Beloit, Illinois
Yellowsided Green Cheek Conure~ Baby/Blue Front Amazon~ Cookie/Timneh African Grey~ Dezi/Normal Green Cheek Conure~Petri
So I was offering Desiree a sunflower seed when his pupils got smaller and he brushed the side of his face against he tips of my fingers, but his feathers weren't fluffed, the he took a step back and started bobbing his head up and down very fast and fanning his tail. It wasn't a regurgitation head movement for sure, and he is still not tame enough to step up or get to close to me but I can touch his beak and grab it, and he will eat out of my hand. I don't have a clue what he was doing. I moved my hand closer and he slowly moved his head towards my hand and then put his beak around my entire finger but he never squeezed very hard, it was very gentle. Then he let go almost right away. My hand was right next to him the entire time he was bobbing his head and flaring his tail by the way, if anyone could help me find out what he was doing I would very much appreciate it.
bobbing head sure sounds like regurgitation to me.

Also fanning of the tail from side to side can mean they are content. So probably just your bird was happy at that moment.
I believe that's a mating behavior, intended to let you know how "special" you are to him! Our CAG does this too, but ONLY to my wife, his special "mate".

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