What temperature for showering?


New member
Nov 12, 2016
African Grey Timneh
This is probably a dumb question but what temperature should the water be for the bath and for the shower? Is it ok to have Timneh in bathroom while I soap down and stuff? Going to be putting perches pretty much everywhere. What does everyone use to weigh your fids? I have a nice scale but only got Timneh on it once so far. I'm going to try and find a basket with a top handle that acts as a perch. Thanks everyone sorry for being such a pain.:confused:
Its fine to have them in the bathroom the same time as soap, dont worry and water temp I usually make lukewarmish. I take hot showers so I usually make it just cooler than comfortable for me so I know Im not going to burn Loco as we can tolerate pretty high water temperatures without realizing it. For weighing the best thing to do is put a perch on top of a scale (grams), use the TARE function and then weigh.
Two examples:


A basket would probably work fine as long as it is stable and fits on the scale.
If your bird is cooperative you could just plop her on the scale if she will stay still, but mine thinks scales are made of acid and lava apparantly.
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I got timneh to hope down onto it with a paper towel once for a grape. But yesterday Said no way jose.
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Those perches look great thats pretty much teh scale that i bought tool.
Kiwi usually sits on the shower curtain rod (or on the shower door, when we've had places with those) while I shower then afterwards gets to sit under the water for a bit, usually just on my arm. I usually bring in some small toys for him to keep him entertained. He gets "wet" almost every day, but only gets a good soaking bath once a week. For soaking baths, I use a mister bottle and set a PVC perch in the shower. Baby bath temperature (warm, but not hot) is good, unless it's summer, where he gets cold water showers to help cool him off. In the cooler months, I also run a little space heater in the bathroom while he dries off so he's nice and toasty and we don't have to pay to heat the whole house to extra warm (also keeps me nice and toasty too:)).

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