What species can be with rosellas?


New member
Dec 29, 2023
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Hi everyone, first of all, I apologize if there is a post about this, I swear I looked it up, I've done so much research, even in this forum, that my fingers hurt!

I have two rosellas, and I hope they are a couple, but that remains to be seen, although they get along pretty well. I moved them to a huge new place and it feels so empty with only the two birds.

My question is, what species can be in the cage with rosellas? I've read they need to be alone, but I've also read they can get along with other birds.

I wanted to get budgies and cockatiels. Will the rosellas kill them?

Thank you all
Thank you for asking this question before putting another species in with your rosellas! A very good bird-breeder friend of mine did answer a similar question a while ago, and sadly the answer is no ...

Rosellas - Cranky buggers, will rip the leg off a budgie in a flash
Pionus - the same
Eclectus- you won’t have budgies anymore

Only put budgies with Neophemas and Psephotus grass parrots, Plumbheads and that’s all. If you’re planning to breed any of the above, budgies will kill other parrots chicks very easily

This particular question was about budgies, but I would have to imagine they'd have a similar combative and territorial attitude towards pretty much most other species. Lovely birds, but don't mix so well with others though, unfortunately!
Thank you :( that's sad, such a big house for two birds...

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