What pellets do you feed your breeders ?


Nov 17, 2011
Atlanta, Georgia
Ruby- Solomans Island Grand Eclectus ***
Flora- Panama Amazon
I have 2 pairs of Amazon Breeders ( Mexican red headed & Blue front ), A pair of Alexandrines, A pair of Blue crown conures, and 2 pairs of cockatiels. I want to know what pellets other breeders feed their flock. I currently feed Roudybush, but I am not sure if they are getting the right nutrients, as my female MRH Zon has plucked her feathers and only has downy in spots. So I thought it could be diet related.
I doubt the plucking in zons is related to diet. As for diet for breeder zons , bump your fat content up to about 7-9%, cut back on the green veggie and fruits, more seeds and nuts. I use the breeder or Hi-Pro formulas of what ever pellets you use. (that diet is for breeding season only)

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