What kind of conure is this?


New member
Jun 8, 2012
My sister bought this conure and doesn't play with it so I've spent every day with it just about, its only a few months old i believe, he doesn't seem interested in many toys, he just wants to sit all day, occasionally he gets a little hyper and sings and dances. he doesn't play with any of his toys.. weve had him a few months so i dont think hes scared, i just recently got him to start coming out of his cage and hanging out with me on the computer and such.

What you have there is a Pineapple Green Cheek Conure, and a very pretty one at that.
I second the pineapple green cheek cute as a bug. Alison and sweetie pie:D
Yep, a pineapple gcc and a super cute one at that! :D
definately a pineapple GCC. im glad your taking care of him, you should stick around the forum for advice on how to further take care of him :). i applaud you for stepping up to take care of him. please dont take this the wrong way, but your sister should not have bought him if she was going to stop playing with him, they are a 20 + year commitment. welcome to the forum and good luck, you are a wonderful bird owner!
Yes he is a pgcc, and am I the only one that thinks he is sick? Especially by your discription of him, he sounds like he needs to go to an AVIAN vet now.
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yeah shes 16 and i think she thought it was going to be like the birds on youtube, the birds listed on craigslist but im not lettin that happen, he has a new cage in the mail and a plethora of new toys now. it seems to really irritate him when i type on the keyboard lol :p hes a happy bird.
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Yes she is a pgcc, and am I the only one that thinks she is sick? Especially by your discription of her, she sounds like she needs to go to an AVIAN vet now.
I was thinking that, but i dont know how they should act? he seems scared of everything, (bottle caps, little plastic noise makers a bell) but he chases my hands around the computer desk and freaks out when i type like its his keyboard and doesn't want me near it..and stands on the mouse when im not using it. hes really mellow though when hes in his cage he sits in one place and never touches one toy in there.
Some birds don't care for toys. They'd rather observe, sing and dance. Neither of mine are too in to toys, or rather, Loki wasn't too in to toys until most recently.

What kind of toys do you have for him? Does he have any foot toys? That's Loki's favorite. Those and bells!

If you're going to take responsibility for him, I'd advise you to take him to an Avian Vet as soon as you can. Not necessarily because I think he's sick, but we all do it. We take our birds regularly for their yearly check ups and sometimes when they seem a little "off". The Vet can do some blood work to determine if there is something going on and if so, how to treat it.

Good luck and welcome to the forums!
Kind of confused here. You state he/she is a few months old, but you have had him for a couple months. He/she looks young. To get them to play with toys you need to show them how to. Maxx LOVES bells so every toy has a bell on it. When I get a new toy I play with it, and act like it is really cool, Maxx will come over and want to play with it himself. Now any new toy is instantly played with. Get him/her a selection of different toys and figure out what he/she likes.

A pic of some of his toys.


Another thing Maxx loves is his Happy Hut. I have one in both his inside and outside cage. He climbs in it a few times a day for naps, and will go into it around 8p for the night.

His Hut.


Also get a variety of perches. Rope, wood, etc...


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Bobioden- Great cage set up you have!!!!

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