What is Tich doing?


New member
Aug 18, 2012
UK, Leicester.
Tich. A Green-Cheeked Blue Conure. Hatched 6th May 2012 <3
Hi all,
Tich is nearly 6 months old now and I saw him doing something a bit strange over the past couple of days. He seems to be ‘playing’ with his tongue, and sometimes he’ll get his foot up to his beak as if he’s eating something invisible. I tried to search for this on the forums and the closest answer I got was that their bird had discovered it had a tongue! Could this be the case for Tich? It is very cute when he does it, especially when he gets his tongue on the side, looks like he’s pulling a cheeky :p face. Any insight to this? I just hope it’s nothing serious so I thought I’d check.
I've attached a video so you can see what he’s doing, as I can’t explain it very well. Sorry about the quality.

It makes me wonder if there is a little foreign body lodged in the tongue, like a splinter. Can you get a close look to rule that out?
Or maybe something stuck in his beak?
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I've just had a look now and I can't see anything abnormal or any foreign body. He's done this about 2-3 times over the past couple of days, and has been eating / drinking / pooping normally also. I would have thought if it was a foreign body he'd be doing this constantly, right?
I don't think it's normal behavior and wondering if their is some kind of reaction/allergy or something like that on the tongue.
Man, that is tough to tell. Lucy loves to play with things like little pieces of fuzz from fabric, and it kinda looks similar to Tich, but not quite.

If it's not much trouble, I'd agree with a vet visit to be safe. Or maybe even a phone call? If you've been going to one for awhile, I'm sure a quick call could do the trick.
I hate to say it but I agree the vet visit is your best option. It's adorable but makes me think maybe his tongue may be swollen or numb from some sort of allergy.
Louis does it sometimes from the first day I got him but he doesn't do it as long as Tich does. Only a second. I thought it is normal.
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Thanks for all the advice guys. I phoned my breeder up yesterday and asked them for advice and they said the same as you, maybe there was something on his tongue / roof of his beak. I checked his beak/tongue yesterday again and couldn't see anything, and he hasn't done it since Sunday afternoon. So maybe something was bothering him but he's cleared it now.

When you say an allergic reaction, what could have caused this?

I'll give my vet a quick call today just to be sure.
Thanks for all the advice guys. I phoned my breeder up yesterday and asked them for advice and they said the same as you, maybe there was something on his tongue / roof of his beak. I checked his beak/tongue yesterday again and couldn't see anything, and he hasn't done it since Sunday afternoon. So maybe something was bothering him but he's cleared it now.

When you say an allergic reaction, what could have caused this?

I'll give my vet a quick call today just to be sure.

There is always a possibility of some sort of food allergy. I remember when I was a little kid (43 now) I could not eat bananas. Something in them would make my tongue and roof of my mouth itchy.

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