What is my budgie doing?


New member
Mar 24, 2012
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Cockatiels and Parakeets
For the past week or so I have been noticing Bandit doing something weird. At least once a day, when I look in his cage from the other room, it appears that he is laying on his perch. If I get close to see if he is sleeping or maybe wiping his face on the perch, he stands up. His feet are around the perch, but he is parallel to it with his head resting on it. Today, I got as close as I could without him noticing, and it just looked like he was sleeping. He is at least 11 years old.
Maybe he's just relaxing haha after all standing of perches for 11 years i imagine is probly tiring. i couldn't tell you if its something to be worried about though i'll leave that to the more knowledgable:)
It could be age related..Has this just started or has it progressed? Is he acting normal otherwise?
Otherwise he seems fine. I feel really bad for him because he is all alone. He was the second of 6 parakeets that I got, so he has always had a companion (or 6.) I'm hoping it is age related.
Well I would say it has something to do with his age, 11 years is pretty old for a budgie but that just means you gave him a great life. I would do everything to make him comfortable because he is old. I would suggest either a flat perch or a tent, these are what I use...
Flat perches for handicapped parrots
ScooterZ Tropical Snugglie XS, Sm, Med, Lg, XL - HUTS/TENTS by MY SAFE BIRD STORE
My two baby gcc's sleep on top of each other, one is flat on the perch on his stomach and the bigger one is on his side on top of the other one so I got them the flat perch and the tent. They now sleep in the tent next to each other. Because he is getting old I would just try different things to see which ones he likes best so he can be comfortable.

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