What IS it about shoes?!!


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
Sidney has developed a fascination with my shoes. He wants to climb inside for some reason. I let him do it with my sheepskin slippers because they normally don't have smelly, sweaty feet in them. But he really wants my shoes above all else. It is a real bone of contention if he does happen to latch onto one of them with a foot or get a lace in his beak. He growls and nips and defends his possession vigorously. It really is the only time he behaves in that manner. I've started hiding them in the bedroom and he jumps down to the floor and goes looking for them. Strange little bird!
LOL! Shoes! Of all things!

I wish Puck was only possessive of my shoes.
LOL... Codie has a fasination with my Slippers.. so much so, she tries to pull them off my feet :)
Hahahaha thats really cute! Shoe fetish! :p
Buy him some brand new shoelaces to play with. He will enjoy untying them and working off the little plastic end pieces. I think those remind them of feather sheaths. Rowdy and my cat also like my shoes. The cat will even drag around big boots by the laces.

There is a Quaker at my vet's who is always attacking my shoes.
There was a toy on my safe bird store that I saw and almost bought. Joe wouldnt let me because he said that he could make one. He got a wood ring that was about 2 inches in diameter and bought a whole bunch of bight colored shoelaces and tied them to the ring. Clifford LOVES it. He hides in the middle of it like its a curtian and chomps and peels the plastic ends off and freys them like he is preening them. we have replaced the shoelaces already. He will play with it for hours. when he is hiding in the toy, you can say "where are you" and he will stretch his neck up where his head peeks over the top of the ring and say "peek a boo"
Here's a picture so you gwet a better idea
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ours don't have the plastic things all over, just at the ends. I'm trying to think of what you could use to make your own that would'nt hurt Rowdy. Let me think on it.
This morning, Amigo walked into the kitchen, he likes to hang out there on the kitchen rug while I make morning tea. Once in a while he will move into attack mode at my slippers! I have to say a sharp, "Hey!", he'll look up and realize it's me then go back to business as usual, finding left overs from last nights cooking session. I love the shoe lace idea!
ours don't have the plastic things all over, just at the ends. I'm trying to think of what you could use to make your own that would'nt hurt Rowdy. Let me think on it.

Pieces of straws but they wouldn't be nice and tight like that.
You could put more than one shoelace in a straw. it would be some work getting enough of them in there to make it tight, but a fun toy for Rowdy.
Oh, My Safe Bird Store has toys that are little shoes. Birds that just plain like shoes might want one.

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