What Indicates A Need For A New Bird?


Active member
Aug 15, 2023
As Ryder lost her dear friend of many years. I posted about her now being the only bird I have and recieved advice that if she needed, a new bird would be great for her. Now, I recognize that she needs time as Snow died just last Wednesday. However, I don't know what would indicate a need for another bird.
This is one of the hardest questions that gets asked here.

Fortunately (unfortunately?) the Rb is so aggressive and territorial that I've never even dared to think of another bird...
Many here have found that they have to separate birds permanently... some have been fortunate and multiple birds get along.
You just never know! Never, ever.
Good for you for being so responsible and serious, and for reaching out!
I think that as long as you're willing to deal with whatever happens (e.g., separating them, if needed, handling added expenses, etc.), you'll be a great parront to a newby!
Good luck!
Keep us posted, please.
What GaleriaGila said :D. In my opinion, it depends on how depressed the bird is feeling/looking. if they're looking down and unhappy, I try to find them a companion. Some of my birds do best with other birds, like Redshift. Others, like Vortex, seem to thrive on human companionship and don't need a buddy.
My experience.

When Lucky died and left his partner of 20 years I had 5 Tiels left ans still do.

I tried to match him up with another Tiel.

The two girls don’t like Baby, they hiss and beak jab at him.

He does get along somewhat with either Popeye or Cheeky.

Cheeky when in Baby’s cage , they get along for a while but eventually Cheeky start chasing Baby around the cage and forcing him away from his favorite perching locations.
Baby is 22 years old, quite old for a Tiel.
I think it’s better he be relaxed in his old age.

Popeye is psychotic or anti-social.
He appears to get along with Baby but I fear he could snap and decide Baby is the anti Christ.

My point is Baby has been around these other birds for many years but that doesn’t mean they get along.

Baby went into a serious funk after lucky died.
I would say it took more than 6 months but less than a year for him to regain his…….. interest in play and a desire to continue on.
Update: I think due to circumstances a new bird could be needed for Ryder to make a bond as time passes. I am currently looking at one's in need of adoption right now!
My experience.

When Lucky died and left his partner of 20 years I had 5 Tiels left ans still do.

I tried to match him up with another Tiel.

The two girls don’t like Baby, they hiss and beak jab at him.

He does get along somewhat with either Popeye or Cheeky.

Cheeky when in Baby’s cage , they get along for a while but eventually Cheeky start chasing Baby around the cage and forcing him away from his favorite perching locations.
Baby is 22 years old, quite old for a Tiel.
I think it’s better he be relaxed in his old age.

Popeye is psychotic or anti-social.
He appears to get along with Baby but I fear he could snap and decide Baby is the anti Christ.

My point is Baby has been around these other birds for many years but that doesn’t mean they get along.

Baby went into a serious funk after lucky died.
I would say it took more than 6 months but less than a year for him to regain his…….. interest in play and a desire to continue on.
I'll be careful then.
I just don’t understand Popeye.
He lived in the same cage as his father for several years.
Only occasional squabbles.

Then he just took a serious hate on Cheeky, serious fighting.
They even try to fight each other through the bars of their respective cages.
As Ryder lost her dear friend of many years. I posted about her now being the only bird I have and recieved advice that if she needed, a new bird would be great for her. Now, I recognize that she needs time as Snow died just last Wednesday. However, I don't know what would indicate a need for another bird.
I know it is not easy but try to bond with Ryder first for first few months and see how that goes ?
I just don’t understand Popeye.
He lived in the same cage as his father for several years.
Only occasional squabbles.

Then he just took a serious hate on Cheeky, serious fighting.
They even try to fight each other through the bars of their respective cages.
I hope your birds' behavior to each other changes for the better.
I know it is not easy but try to bond with Ryder first for first few months and see how that goes ?
I have already begun the process. You can view it in the thread "Ryder's Journal".

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