What hole?


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
Well I didn't raise the blind high enough so she fixed it.

Look mommy! We can see out the window now:D
Hahaha! Well, she's definitely direct! I love how she seems to be presenting the newly carved hole to you. Hahaha!
Looks like she's saying "There. I fixed it. Now I can see out the window!"
I had an Ekkie when I lived with my ex. She chewed a noticeable hole in the living room curtains. I'm long gone, but unless he's gotten new curtains, the hole might still be there to remember me by LOL!!
Haha! So funny. Her face in the photo is priceless - she looks so satisfied and proud! Glad you could capture her face and her "fix" in the same photo!
That is hysterical! She looks so proud of herself:)
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Haha! So funny. Her face in the photo is priceless - she looks so satisfied and proud! Glad you could capture her face and her "fix" in the same photo!

We had just gotten home and I opened her cage so she could run around but I didn't raise the blinds to the window behind it. I went in the kitchen and started cooking dinner, Husband was in the livingroom with Venus and Buddy watching soccer. I just happened to walk by the cages on my way to get something and I looked up to talk to her and this is how I caught her. My jaw dropped, I ask Husband if he had seen what she did, he looks over totally shocked. I asked Venus "Did you do that?", the dogs cleared the room, a famous line for them, lol. Venus just stands there like, What? I couldn't see and you were busy, lol. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, snapped the picture and raised the blinds for her. I felt like a bad parront, I didn't do the window right today, lol.

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