what do your quakers like to eat?


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Senegal-Martini,1 pineapple conure~ Kahlua,1 GCC~ Flare, spl/b, 4 Lovebirds Halo,Tye-Die,Luna,Violet,8 Cockatiels,Num Num&Tundra,8-Ball&Angus,Magnet&Sunkist,Pearl, Blush, 1 gouldian finch, 7 canaries
what favourite foods does your quaker like to eat?
mine has been here 24 hours and has barely eaten:rolleyes:

I know it's the transition, so I gave in and put millet in the cage.
she's been snacking on that a little, and loves pumpkin seeds.

She drinks ok, and is on a pellet/some seed diet from her previous owner, but has barely touched it....maybe she's tired of it?, lol.
I wouldn't be to worried about it as he's still new with you. The quaker I used to have eat anything if I eat it first. He will not touch it if you just hand it to him. He have to see me eating it first. He was a picky bird...
It's not unusual for a parrot to eat little or nothing on the first day or so in a new home.

Usually, it's suggested to stay with the same diet the parrot has been used to and not make any big changes right away. But you can try introducing some new foods gradually-- some vegetables and fruits, and cooked grains like quinoa and brown rice. You might have to experiment a little about how to prepare things-- Quakers tend to be fussy about that. :D

Ralph's favorite food is fresh green peas, served raw (and they must be sliced in half). He likes cooked green beans, cooked corn, quinoa and broccoli too. He's not crazy about most fruits, but will eat some apple (only if it's finely chopped), or a little banana. A favorite treat is popcorn-- plain air-popped popcorn, with no oil, salt or butter. As time passes and your new QP settles in, you'll discover what she likes to eat. If she rejects any new foods at first, don't give up-- keep offering the same foods over and over. It can help if you eat some of the same foods and make a fuss like it's the best thing you've ever eaten. Parrots usually want what their human companions are eating.
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I know it's the transition, I was just wondering if they have favourite foods.
Yes mine LOVES broccoli and apples. He also likes the dried papaya and of course millet as treats. Oh and bread too, whole grain is the best health wise. But he will basically eat anything those are just his favorites.
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Quakers can be very picky and slow to change their eating habits. Keep offering the foods you want your quaker to eat. One of my Quakers loves cooked sweet potatoes, pasta, and brown rice. The other likes pop corn, pumpkin seed, peas and corn. Both of them love birdie bread and want anything they see me eating. Both of them are on a pellet based diet with very little seed.
Zulu loves baked sweet potato (stuffed into a spoon straw), raw snap peas, raw green beans, raw peppers and raw carrots. For fruit, he likes watermelon, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. For a time, I was also peeling grapes and he seemed to really like them. He's particular about the size of things too... too large and it winds up on the cage floor. Too small and it sits in his dish, untouched. I'm still trying to find the "just right" portion!
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it sounds like they like a variety of food, but seem picky at the same time.

gosh I went to open her cage door today, and she lunged a wee bit at my hand....already????....cage territorial, none of my birds are territorial, so this is not so pleasant for me.
Beth, yep that's what they're like. You'll still love her though. :)
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ok......can you train that out of them, or will I be bashing my head against a wall?
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what I want to know is, are they more difficult to train due to them being so cage aggressive?

guess I should start with a perch first, and save my fingers ;)
Zulu is still young yet, but he doesn't have an ounce of cage aggression in him. He's out for about an hour and a half in the mornings, and then out from the time I get off work to about 10pm at night. I can reach into his cage while he's in it, clean it while he's in it/around it, etc. He's very curious and will follow me around on his cage, but at any time I want I can pick him up from the cage or do whatever I want to the cage. Whether that'll change when he gets older or if I just got extremely lucky I'm not sure!

I do know the general belief is quakers are cage aggressive. I would suggest, for starters, maybe, when approaching the cage to talk in a very soft, very calm voice and move slowly. Try and lessen what s/he might feel as an intrusion and it might help curb the behavior.

Best of luck to you!
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she's a little younger than yours, and from what I'm told does not bite.

I have no idea how to deal with cage aggressive birds, it's so foreign to me and my birds.
BUT, I do read body language pretty well, so I'll go with that and your advice.
The biggest piece of advice I can offer as to training them is the same as what you'd apply to training any animal. Anytime you're around/near/interacting with her cage, make it a positive experience for her. Have a stash of shreddable toys at hand, a favorite treat, favorite words (I've read that they really respond to the soothing sound of 'good girl/boy'), etc. Also let them come out of the cage of their own will... don't try and reach in and haul them out, at least not until they're accustomed to you. Above all else, respect the cage as their personal territory. If she's not feeling up to visitors, it's best to let her be.

I really hope this helps!
My moms quaker loves her totally organic pellets and any type of fruit ESPECIALLY apples lol
coopers favorite veggies are carrots/broccoli.
favorite fruits are pomegranates by far, also likes apple and dried banana
he also actually loooves his pellets
favorite seed/nut is almonds by far, but also enjoys pistachios and sunflowers
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I've had some great advice here, thanks so much everyone.

Dave is making fairly good progress with Yoshi, she seems to really like him.
he got her to come from the back of the cage to the front of the cage, and take a treat from his fingers, and was chatting to Dave as well, it was quite cute.

If we approach the cage when she is at the front of it, she will retreat to the back, with her feathers raised on her head.

ok, so now we know not to approach it to closely, other than to feed her.

she hates it when the dogs start barking, and she starts screaming....not a good combo.

It would seem that the tone of her squawk irritates Tyler somewhat, and he really hates it when she starts screaming.

hopefully this is temporary and won't seem to mind the dogs barking

....maybe I just need to find a quiet bird that my son can tolerate, the last thing I want is to re-home another bird.

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