What do your babies eat?


New member
May 16, 2011
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North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
Do you have a favorite brand of food? a certain feeding schedule? I'm still looking for different brands and food mixtures. I'm all for fresh fruits and veggies too!!

:rainbow1: Thank you! <3 :rainbow1:
mine was on a mostly seed diet when i got her, and i really easily switched her over to Zupreem's avian maintenance pellet formula -- the only problem is that the Zupreem has a lot of sugar in it, so I'm currently trying to switch her to the Roudybush crumble which has no added dyes or sugar -- which to me sounds like a much healthier way to go -- provided I can get this spoiled conure to eat it!
I feed my conure sprouts which he loves, it's a mix of sprouts and seed which I soak in boiling water over night then drain. They start to sprout after a week or so. They need to be used up before the sprouts are green though. I also feed him Apple, carrot, pellets mix, some nuts, dried fruit, he also loves some cooked egg (weird I know).
sprouts! I hear that a lot but i'm not exactly sure what to do with it (or what it is for that matter lol) would you be willing to explain a little bit? (i'd also like to use your explanation in my little newsletter i'm making for this forum!) :)

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