What do you think of my new Alexandrina's


New member
Oct 22, 2012
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Hi All

This is my 1st pair of Alexandrina's I got a couple of day's ago. I have Indian Ring neck's in the other averie. There averie is 141/2 feet long x 61/2 ft deep x 6 1/2 feet high

What I need is to know is what size seed do I need to feed them? at the moment I have giving then 'Small Parrot Seed'
Should I be using 'Large Parrot Seed?' .

Also If any Australian read this when is the breeding season for them. :D


They are beautiful! :)

Alexandrine eat seed small parrot seed, but it would be much better if you feed them pellet. Paradise pellet made by vetafarm is a pretty good, they are sold in large pet shores here in Aus. I feed Ozzie paradise pellet, and he loves it. Seed only take up about 5% in Ozzie's diet. And Ozzie gets about 40% of pellet, and he rest is fruits and vegetables.

Seed are ok, but make sure your alexandrines have lots of fresh fruit and veggies! But never feed a 100% seed diet!

I think the breeding season starts from November to April, but I'm not 100% sure.
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Definitely check out pellets, especially if you plan on breeding them. And fresh foods are a must :) Birds should have fresh food as often as possible, everyday is fantastic but I know it can be hard for some people, myself included. I love using chop mixes too, they can be made in bulk then frozen.
Beautiful birds!
Well my Nimbus was born in September I think.... so around then? I know most babies start to go out around Oct/Nov and still some people are breeding now. That's so broad I'm sorry =( I'm sure someone will be more sure of this =D
It looks to me like the female is young? How old are they? I only say that because she looks exactly like Nimbus and she's only 4/5 months old
Beautiful birds!
Well my Nimbus was born in September I think.... so around then? I know most babies start to go out around Oct/Nov and still some people are breeding now. That's so broad I'm sorry =( I'm sure someone will be more sure of this =D
It looks to me like the female is young? How old are they? I only say that because she looks exactly like Nimbus and she's only 4/5 months old

The male is 4 and the hen is 3 1/2 they had young last season for there other owners.:)

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