What do I do with cockatiel eggs without a male


New member
Jun 22, 2017
Hello I have a female cockatiel she is almost one and I know they tend to lay eggs around this age I know that without a male they won't hatch so what do I do
Still likely a bit early for your cockatiel to be laying eggs. Not all female Parrots will lay eggs, just because they can.

If your Parrot does begin laying eggs, more than a couple per year, work with your CAV to assure that her Chems are stable, commonly by adjusting her diet. Also, remember that egg binding is a very serious issue and that it is wise to be working with your Certified Avian Vet.

The eggs can be removed after a few days and disposed of. Some individuals will set fake eggs in place to slow or halt additional laying.
Also, if she does lay try to reduce any conditions that might be signaling to her that it's egg-laying time. Longer daylight hours, an abundance of richer foods, access to dark and cozy (nesty) type areas, and being touched on her back, under her wings, around her groin area (of course), or stroked the length of her tail would all be triggers for hormonal/nesting behaviors.

So you'd want to reduce her daylight hours and make sure she gets a solid 10-12 hours of sleep, cut down on her more sugary foods, keep her away from areas she might see as nesting hollows, and cease any type of touching she may be misreading as sexual advances.

Also make sure to up her calcium intake whenever she's laying and, as SailBoat already recommended, get in touch with a certified avian vet. Though she's young yet, so you have some time before this has the potential of becoming an issue.
All good advice above.

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