What Brand Of Food Is Best For Diamond Doves?


New member
Jan 14, 2018
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It Seems Once Again I Have Become Stumped,
Online Sites Covering This Question Are Often Very Vague And Don't Actually Get To Brands That May Be Preferred For Diamond Doves Over Others!
Does Anyone Here Have A Brand Of Food They Simply Enjoy Over Others?
My Friend Told Me To Try VitaSeed But I'd Thought I Would Go Ahead And Ask This Group.
Thanks For Any/All Help!​
Sorry - mine got unbranded (aviary-mix) I just got from a big barrel in the shop (that sold farmersequipment etc.) we scooped out roughly a kilo or so and that was it.
(It happenend somewhere around the stone-age ;) , we did not even have prepackaged birdfood I think, everyone just bought the mixes available there.)
I'd Still Like To Know If Anyone Has Any Recommendations On Any Brands? I've Been Told VitaSeed Is Decent?
I don't think it's so much about the brand, but more importantly about the ingredients. My Ringneck Dove obviously eats a mix of small-seeds/grains, along with the occasional bowl of egg-food (Qwiko brand), and then a grit mix...As far as the seed-mix I feed him, I always go with a seed-mix meant for Budgies due to the size and the fact that I don't have any "Dove specific" seed-mixes available to me locally anywhere. My CAV told me that any Budgie seed-mix would be fine, as the seeds will all be small enough for him to eat, since they eat the seeds whole and do not shell them.

When it comes to Budgie seeds, you tend to find that they are all very similar, unlike the larger parrot seed-mixes. Budgie seed-mixes don't usually contain any larger seeds such as sunflower seeds or safflower seeds, so if you compare the different brands as far as their ingredients and their protein, fat, vitamin, mineral, etc. contents, they are all very similar. So I usually feed a Kaytee Forti-Diet mix, which when compared with the Budgie mixes by Ecotrition, VitaSeed, Higgins, etc. are all exactly the same. The only difference with the Kaytee Forti-Diet Budgie seed is that is also contains Probiotics, and is a bit cheaper for more seed. I've compared numerous Budgie seed-mixes, all of them really, and there is little difference between them.

I don't know if you're feeding a Dove-specific seed-mix, or if you're feeding a Budgie seed-mix or other species mix, but you'll have a lot more options if you feed a Budgie seed-mix. Again, just compare their ingredients, their fat content, their protein content, etc.

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