What are your parrots' fave treats?


New member
Nov 15, 2013
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South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
In my other thread about Percy "merely tolerating me", MonicaMc suggested treats for certain behaviour. Percy will do almost anything for a pumpkin seed ...except getting back in his cage LOL!

I need a suggestion for a super special treat that he will only be given for going back to his cage nicely. His fave foods are corn on the cob (cut into rings), snap peas, cheerios and pumpkin seeds. Cheerios are too sugary (even the 4 grain type I buy) to use daily and I can't take away his staple foods, peas and corn. Heis not much of of a nut lover - only eats almonds and he like whole peanuts. No other nuts have tickled his fancy.

So I need other ideas. Any suggestions?
Shelled pine nuts are usually irrestable. Thawed frozen blueberries....ah, here's one I've yet to see fail. Dried organic fig, dropped in a cup of very hot water for a few mins. Then take it out, slice it open, and scrape out little globs. Once he tastes it hell go nuts :) or not lol, who knows with these birds!
Ooohhhh Felix will do pretty much anything for an almond....banana chips come a close second
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Rosie and Kenji both love almonds, walnuts, nutriberries, chicken, salmon, Greek yogurt is a well loved sometimes treat, egg, millet spray(1" slice to hold with their foot), banana, and Kenji LOVES grapes.
hi :) - I like to give my birds nutri-berries or avi-cakes as treats - the nutri-berries are kinda nice because you can get a tub of them (different sizes, ingredients for different kinds of parrots) and are very convenient and excellent nutrition.
If he's on a healthy diet, why can't you take peas and corn out of his diet and only provide them to him when he has to go back inside his cage?

Would he go back in for peanuts? Sunflower seeds? Almonds?

If he's on a pelleted diet, then the reward for going back inside his cage could be a small portion of seeds.

Charlie actually *loves* cold water! As soon as I refresh it, he has to drink a lot of it and sometimes take a bath, too! He also enjoys fresh foods, banana chips and safflower seeds.

Jayde just seems to love food in general... although not a big fan of wet/moist food (she'll eat it... and shake her head at the same time) and it took her a while to learn to really enjoy pellets. Still prefers seeds.
If he's on a healthy diet, why can't you take peas and corn out of his diet and only provide them to him when he has to go back inside his cage?
He is on a very good diet and get loads of different things to eat, fresh fruit and veg, sprouts, pellets. I leave seeds and nuts for rewards and foraging.
The reason I don't want to remove the corn especially is because it is the one thing he never ever leaves and always eats first...aaand just typing that, I realise how stupid I am being! Of course, THAT is the ideal bribe!!!
When I need a bribe there are 2 things Bosley will always go for, I don't use this for training as he gets so excited.

piece of popcorn
piece of cheese.
My Yellow head likes cooked egg. She's my best friend until I run out of scrambled egg.
You are not removing it from the diet, only using managed feeding. :)

Let us know if you figure out something that works! :D
organic banana chips and organic sunflower seeds...yeah I know, but what can I say ;)
Sunflower seeds are her favorite. She isn't that impressed by nutriberries but will munch on it a bit before throwing it to the ground.
Hi Crimson, I was wondering if your lovebirds ate the banana chips? I have never tried giving mine them but I have fresh banana - getting my lovebirds to eat any fruit has been met with mixed success at best.

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