What are your fids favourite toys?


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
I'm getting paid tomorrow (hurrah!) but basically I've going to do an overhaul of Merlin's toys as he's in need of some new ones.

Would like to know what your fid likes (especially if you've got pois :)) and why they like it. Please include pictures or examples if you can.

I know sort of what Merlin likes but it's generally not 'toys'. It's bottle caps (he has about 4 in his big cage alone) bubblewrap, raw pasta and buttons. So would like some types of examples of toys your fids enjoy so I can get better ideas of what I should try or not. :)

I'll most probably be going through http://scarlettsparrotessentials.co.uk/for it so if anyone knows anything she specifically does that your fid goes crazy for please feel free to link!

Hoping to see lots of pics of your fids being cute with their toys. Happy days. :21:
My girl is a shredder, she likes to tear things into ittsy-bittsy pin head sized pieces. Her favorite toys are small pieces of index cards. $20 super duper bird toy from the bird store, "meh...." Index cards, *shred shred shred.* She is easy to please.

She has liked a few toys in the past and seems to favor the ones which have drinking straw pieces built into them, she likes to shred the straws. She also LOVES LOVES LOVES wicker/stick little wooden cat/rodent balls! This has to be her favorite toy, she always has one laying on the floor of her cage and she loves to sit on the lip of the door and hold this giant ball in one hand and shred it. She will also play fetch with her humans with it as well, and her little evil genes come out strong; she will watch you with this glint in her eyes for a few minutes and then walk over to her cage door (which is always open) and sit holding her ball, and then very slowly she will rotate her foot and drop the ball to the floor. Then she does her "pllleeasssee" cheeps, and her people pick it up. Repeat. :D

She does not like plastic toys of any kind, not the links, or feet toys, but does like cloth toys and loofah stuff.

If I was shopping for my Kippy I may pick up some of these:

Cloth Rope Toy
A Cute Wooden Ball
A Wood Tower
Grass Ladder
Three Pack
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Rory likes the little plastic cat balls with the bell in them. He also like to shred paper I think that could keep him busy for hours, but his favorite toy is me. He loves to just fly/walk all over me up my leg then my back them on top of my head then lean over the top of my forehead and nibble my eye lid or nose then he likes to hang of my shirt sleeve. I have on silly boy.

Tiki, my african red bellied loves her boing, any kind of balls with bells, her favorite foot toy is a thick plastic straw for drinking a milkshake tied in a simple knot in the middle. they come in different colors and she will spend hours chewing on them:D She also has an orbitor in her cage that she loves:)
Mine loves the cat balls w/bells inside also, anything with bells on it that she can swing around, but her favorite are plain untreated wooden clothes pins which she shreds for hours. They also keep her beak tip-top.
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Gilbert has something like an abacus that hangs on a chain in his cage. He loves that toy and i often find him over there chattering and fooling with it, sliding the pieces back and forth and making the whole thing swing. He also loves these pinatas i have been buying him. It's like a shredding toy, with little balls hanging from it and little sticks, but he can also chew the hollow body of it. He had a penguin pinata and then a monkey too and loved them both.
I think freds fav is the luffa on his perch. I believe its mainly because I shove fruit in there for him to dig out from time to time so he's always on the hunt.
My CAG constantly changing her preferences. Most of the times though she will prefer all sorts of stuff for free such as bottle cork, pine cone and so on....
My lory's favorite toy is a hacky sacks - she has four of them. I will put an assortment of toys on the floor and she always chooses the hacky sacks, she will bring them with her to other rooms too.

Here's a vid of her playing with her hacky sacks:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdoTsgmhKx4"]Chattering Lory - Playing as Usual! - YouTube[/ame]

In this video, she has a rattle and a hacky sack and it shows her size since I'm holding her. At the end of the video, I tell her to say bye-bye, so she says bye-bye, see ya later.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xf6COj56ZaY"]Chattering Lory Playing While Being Held - YouTube[/ame]
grrr i went to this site, zoo-something an got load of perches etc at a nice price for nut, but i cannot remember name or find info grr
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grrr i went to this site, zoo-something an got load of perches etc at a nice price for nut, but i cannot remember name or find info grr

Zooplus that'll be I think ;)

I've been on there before (it's where I've ordered budgie cage from and some toys on occassion) but their service is rubbish compared to Scarlet (and they're not really bad at all.)

Plus Scarlett is going to be sending me out some replacement dish holders for Merlin's cage since we've lost ours so I'll definitely be going through her this month. :)

Thanks for the comments, videos and pics all :D

Merlin's not great with his leg so that does limit what he can really play with. I might try some cat ball type things for the bottom of his cage and see if he enjoys that. A few things Pugtato linked are things I was considering already so that just cemented the idea a little. :) He's not much of a shredder- he prefers CRUNCH to ripping and tearing. So willow toys are generally a favourite.

He's currently playing with a chain that isn't attached to anything (that was once part of a ladder) more than any of his other toys so I guess I'll pick up something like that. I just really want to revamp everything. Some toys he just wont touch anymore. Going to be buying another cage next month too because his current one is bugging me. :p

Keep the input coming. I appreciate it. Payday is today so looking through my order choices properly now! :)
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My lory's favorite toy is a hacky sacks - she has four of them. I will put an assortment of toys on the floor and she always chooses the hacky sacks, she will bring them with her to other rooms too.

Here's a vid of her playing with her hacky sacks:
Chattering Lory - Playing as Usual! - YouTube

In this video, she has a rattle and a hacky sack and it shows her size since I'm holding her. At the end of the video, I tell her to say bye-bye, so she says bye-bye, see ya later.
Chattering Lory Playing While Being Held - YouTube

What are hacky sacks made of? Are they tough enough for a beak not to break through them so easily? If they are I'd consider one for Merlin to play with but I don't want to invest in something (that's probably expensive since it's a human toy) for him to just destroy it in seconds!

Love the videos though, she's a real cutie with them!
Those videos are so cute, thanks for sharing. Also same question what are hacky sacs made of and what is inside them. he sure looks like he is having a good time with them. Also where do you buy them meaning what kind of store?:)
The hacky sacks are also known as foot bags. Sweet Pea has had hers for about 10 years or more. I've only had to throw one of them away because she tossed it into her potty dish and it got poop all over it,lol. None of them have broken open or gotten the slightest tear in them. She can chew up wood too,so she's got a strong beak.

I purchased the hacky sacks from a sporting goods store called Sports Authority,but I imagine they are available at toy stores too. They cost me $9.00 each. We started with two, but then she would misplace them,so we got a couple more. And now we can always find at least two of them.

It's really cute though --- if we are down to one,I'll tell her "go get your other hacky sacks" ... and she'll trot off under a bed or cabinet and out she comes with a hacky sack. Such a smart birdie!

The hacky sacks are filled with plastic pellets. I had to look this up online,because we've never seen the insides,since they've never torn or broke.

They are pliable,and not very heavy,so Sweet Pea can pick them up and toss them. And they make a rustling type sound when they're tossed or grabbed,which she loves.
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The hacky sacks are also known as foot bags. Sweet Pea has had hers for about 10 years or more. I've only had to throw one of them away because she tossed it into her potty dish and it got poop all over it,lol. None of them have broken open or gotten the slightest tear in them. She can chew up wood too,so she's got a strong beak.

I purchased the hacky sacks from a sporting goods store called Sports Authority,but I imagine they are available at toy stores too. They cost me $9.00 each. We started with two, but then she would misplace them,so we got a couple more. And now we can always find at least two of them.

It's really cute though --- if we are down to one,I'll tell her "go get your other hacky sacks" ... and she'll trot off under a bed or cabinet and out she comes with a hacky sack. Such a smart birdie!

The hacky sacks are filled with plastic pellets. I had to look this up online,because we've never seen the insides,since they've never torn or broke.

They are pliable,and not very heavy,so Sweet Pea can pick them up and toss them. And they make a rustling type sound when they're tossed or grabbed,which she loves.

Will definitely look into getting one or two for Merlin then, pretty reasonable price considering their apparent longivity! Especially if they're noisey and light!
My budgie loves wash cloths. She takes the corner by her beak and literally drags it across the house.... lol...

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