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Sep 16, 2014
Hi guys.

I'm new to this forum, but I am thinking of purchasing a pair of conures from someone who can no longer care for them. Problem is, I don't know what kind they are - could anyone help fill me in?


Thanks in advance. :rainbow1:
Green cheeks or maroon bellies, maybe hybrids? Could we see more pics? Do they both have red tails or is one of the tails green?
Green cheeks or maroon bellies, maybe hybrids? Could we see more pics? Do they both have red tails or is one of the tails green?

i think hybride too they look a lot like mine.
Hi and welcome to the forum! Very cute birds!
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Thanks for the input, guys... the seller has indicated he believes them to be green-cheeks, but they do look a little like maroons to me. I don't have the birds yet, but expect to by tomorrow, so I'll post better pics then.
Look like typical green cheeks to me - I have one. :) They are wonderful birds. :)
Oh how adorable! Can't wait to see pics of your new babies!:D


this is my hybride,i don't know about you ,but i see a lot off resemblance. :p
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Whichever they turn out to be, they are so adorable together.
Ok, they are not green cheeks. They have far too much green on their heads for that, and green cheeks, except some yellow sided mutations, do not have the red above the cere. I am not sure, but the extra green makes me think perhaps a maroon bellied hybrid with something that would give the red notches. A maroon bellied conure would have a green tail though, so they are not pure maroon bellied. Haccata' rose crowned conure hybrid has it, so perhaps they are maroon bellied/rose crowned hybrids? Whatever they are they are surely adorable, but I can't seem to find a picture that matches them which is why I suspect a hybrid.
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Ok, they are not green cheeks. They have far too much green on their heads for that, and green cheeks, except some yellow sided mutations, do not have the red above the cere. I am not sure, but the extra green makes me think perhaps a maroon bellied hybrid with something that would give the red notches. A maroon bellied conure would have a green tail though, so they are not pure maroon bellied. Haccata' rose crowned conure hybrid has it, so perhaps they are maroon bellied/rose crowned hybrids? Whatever they are they are surely adorable, but I can't seem to find a picture that matches them which is why I suspect a hybrid.
Good point... they do have those little red moustaches. Maroons and GCCs just look so freaking alike...

Either way, they seem to be doing okay so far. They're a little skittish and Kiwi (the bigger one, presumably male) is very bitey. However, I was able to coax them into some head and neck scritches before bedtime, and after an hour of fighting, biting, and flying (their wings need a clipping, apparently), they're finally tucked in upstairs in their new sleepy cage.

I think we made some progress today... after realizing he couldn't boss me around by biting me repeatedly, Kiwi was a lot more cooperative. These two cannot bear to be apart - they cuddle all day and squawk when separated.

I went and picked up some stuff for them at Petsmart today, as the previous owner only had seeds, millet, and Nutriberries. They now have veggies, fruits, pellets, rice cakes, and got to sample a bit of egg and English muffin this morning for breakfast. Eagerly, too!

They have their first vet appointment next week for a clipping and check-up. I think we're gonna be just fine. :)
I used to own, breed, and handraise different types of Green Cheek Conures (and other Conures too) and they definitely look like hybrids, perhaps between a Green Cheek and Maroon bellied Conure. Though the red on the face looks more like a Crimson bellied Conure. Whatever the case they are certainly not pure Green Cheek Conures. Very pretty birds though!

SilverSage is right though, perhaps a rose crowned Conure cross.
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They are gorgeous : )) good on you.

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