What are these bots?

There are bots that are constantly checking out forums like ours for various reasons. Some may even open fake accounts in order to publish misleading or inflammatory posts that may disrupt the forum, or they may publish posts that contain advertising or marketing material and spam. Most spambots are recognised and stopped by our auto-mod system so they are unable to create accounts or post, but occasionally one will slip through, and when the Mod team finds them we quickly cancel their accounts. Occasionally however if there is not a Mod on duty, and the bot is particularly sneaky, one might slip through with their phishing posts, so if you ever spot one please do not click any links and make a report about it immediately!
Yup, I've reported multiple of these bot's posts before, and I even once found an account without any posts but the account description was VERY suspicious! So I reported it and it turned out to be a spam account!
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Yup, I've reported multiple of these bot's posts before, and I even once found an account without any posts but the account description was VERY suspicious! So I reported it and it turned out to be a spam account!
And we very much appreciate your vigilance and those reports when we get 'em, Pip! ;)
..... it takes a lot of effort for mods to find these and delete them..
Oh it's not that much effort really. We have a tame fictitious crocodile called "Snappy" on staff who helps us with the job!
DRW HolidayII 028.JPG

Very efficient he is too, and he just loves eating SPAM, so when you see any please make sure you send it his way! ;)
LOL, "Snappy" will show them who's boss!

I said it wrong, I meant to say it takes some time to find and delete the posts
Yes, sometimes it does, but it's a job that Snappy loves! ❤️🐊

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