We've had our first incident


New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
Buddy, Buddy, Buddy...

This morning I woke up to the sound of a bird climbing a cage, what??? Venus has figured out how to let herself out of her cage. So she was the first one up and was running track around the cages. I got up and found her, she hopped over to me and went on the kitchen with me to make coffee and bird breakfast. When we were done, I fed both birds, put her in her cage so she could eat and went on with other routines. She finishes eating and starts running around the cages again, this is normal but then I heard her scream like I've never heard before, and I heard a very familiar Amazon growl. Buddy had grabbed Venus' foot.

I ran and got Venus, checked her out and she was fine. When I looked at Buddy to scold him, that punk had his head pressed against the bars waiting for me to scratch his head, looking like a perfect, sweet, angel. I may have to separate their cages some more. Venus stayed with me for a while, Buddy is trying to butter me up now. Does he realize he's in trouble? Turkey!
Bad Buddy!!! Ouch, poor Venus, I'm glad Buddy's foot fetish didn't leave a mark!
Thanks for the laugh!
Buddy, Buddy, Buddy...

This morning I woke up to the sound of a bird climbing a cage, what??? Venus has figured out how to let herself out of her cage. So she was the first one up and was running track around the cages. I got up and found her, she hopped over to me and went on the kitchen with me to make coffee and bird breakfast. When we were done, I fed both birds, put her in her cage so she could eat and went on with other routines. She finishes eating and starts running around the cages again, this is normal but then I heard her scream like I've never heard before, and I heard a very familiar Amazon growl. Buddy had grabbed Venus' foot.

I ran and got Venus, checked her out and she was fine. When I looked at Buddy to scold him, that punk had his head pressed against the bars waiting for me to scratch his head, looking like a perfect, sweet, angel. I may have to separate their cages some more. Venus stayed with me for a while, Buddy is trying to butter me up now. Does he realize he's in trouble? Turkey!

Ha ha ha ha.....sounds like my Senegal....(aka the Terrifying terrorist)....or better known as Birdell ( Houdini's cousin)..This bugger can take the bar out of lock, then hangs with his beak on top of cage uses both feet to kick door open and voila he's out....my Zons are like " help help help" and I'm like what what what.....there is birdell on the Zons cage causing trouble.... He's a ninja...I swear.

He once got his self lock in the Canary cage...sitting on the perch...canary was scared poopless, and how he gotten in, and not able to get out was amazing feat.
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I'm really going to have to keep an eye on Venus. Prior to this she would go into Buddy's cage, run him out and she closes the cage door. I thought it was coincidence but has done it repeatedly with Buddy's cage AND hers. Now that she has figured how to get out I will not be surprised if she figured out how to open Buddy's cage to let herself in and yes she is stealthy like a ninja, lol.

I couldn't stay mad at Buddy. I gave into his goo goo eyes and gave him some love, lol.
I'm really going to have to keep an eye on Venus. Prior to this she would go into Buddy's cage, run him out and she closes the cage door. I thought it was coincidence but has done it repeatedly with Buddy's cage AND hers. Now that she has figured how to get out I will not be surprised if she figured out how to open Buddy's cage to let herself in and yes she is stealthy like a ninja, lol.

I couldn't stay mad at Buddy. I gave into his goo goo eyes and gave him some love, lol.

My senni dose that....gets in all kinds of trouble....The list is too long to list here...seriously...BUT......she makes the google eyes as well....then rubs beak on face and makes kissing sound then says "Hi" in her sqeaky voice as she looks up at you....how can anyone stay made at a bird?

The other day she chewed a big hold in my lounge chair when I went into other room to answer phone......she's quick....I guess she was fluffing it up some so I'd be comfy when I returned...argggghhhh! lol......
Sounds like Buddy was just trying to let her know not to get on his cage. Had he wanted to hurt her, he could have. He just gave a warning nip. Sounds like you might have some budding jealousy issues though. Seeing as Buddy has been a lifelong "single bird", having to adjust to another parrot getting attention is probably way more difficult for him than it is for her.
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Yes there is jealousy. He is usually the one making coffee and birdy breakfast with me while Venus is doing her workout. He's first every day but today was different since Houdini is revealing her skills.
Shoot, Zoe just removes those pesky doors. :)

I must have the good sennies. They never destroy anything or try to escape.

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