We've decided on a Meyers


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Crimson conures, Roseifrons, Sun, Sunday and cockatiels.
I've been over in the conure forum for a bit...we researched GCC, crimson bellied as well as Pionus. In the end, we've decided the Meyers is for us.

Now to find a breeder...that is proving harder than I thought! I would much prefer to have a bird pick me, but I can't find a breeder within 1000 miles of me! :(

Can anyone give me some helpful tips? What size cage do you recommend? We've been looking at a corner cage, 25x37x41. What about food? Do you feed mostly pellet and supplement with seed? Fresh foods?

We chose the Meyers because we heard they made a good family bird, weren't a one person bird, playful but able to chill out on their own, fairly quiet and not as nippy as the GCC. I love the green cheeks, but the stories of them being demanding and nippiness scared me off.

I'd love to hear about your Meyers and what you think of them!
Ohh, where are you at? There's two Meyers for sale on Portland, Oregon's craigslist. they sound like real sweeties, talk a little bit, friendly. They were a breeding pair but she says they stayed tame even while breeding.
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I'm in Northern CA...and you gave me an idea and I found one on Craigslist about 150 miles from me. I worry about getting an adult bird though and training him out of bad habits or neglect. We do have a daughter and were thinking a new baby would take to all of us more. Still, I emailed to ask how he was...
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Oooo! I found a 5 month old about 200 mi away on CL! Thanks for the idea!
Ohh, lucky!
I have been searching for a long time for a second Timneh on craigslist. They are few and far between. Although this is the first time I've seen a Meyers anywhere-they are really rare in this area. You are much luckier in Cali-although some of the CL prices for birds are outrageous.

Let us know how it goes!!

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