Wet Duci!!


New member
Jun 10, 2014
Colorado Springs, CO
6 yr old Sun Conure (Ducati)
After noticing Ducati was trying to use his water bowl as a bird bath I immediately went to MSBS and ordered him one. Today we tried it out and I don't think I've seen him have more fun since we got him. Of course I took some pictures!! :D

Trying it out

Sticking his butt in the water.

Getting water all over the couch.


And my wet Duci post-bath.
Super cute photos. Love the last, look at me, I'm awesome, pic.
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Now he's sitting in the same spot all fluffy, just "yea I know I'm pretty."

I love watching all his little antics. Never ceases to crack me up.
There is nothing I love more than a soaking wet sun conure!!

Our GCC takes a bath every morning -- she's a strange little thing. LOVES to take a bath in the ice cold water from my water dispenser. Then she harangues the sun until he takes a half-hearted bath that only gets his chest wet. I always picture him going "Yes dear..."
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There is nothing I love more than a soaking wet sun conure!!

Our GCC takes a bath every morning -- she's a strange little thing. LOVES to take a bath in the ice cold water from my water dispenser. Then she harangues the sun until he takes a half-hearted bath that only gets his chest wet. I always picture him going "Yes dear..."

Lol. That's too funny. "Fine I guess I can wash up a little bit."
Reminds me of my GCC, Eva! She LOOOOVES her bath time. I give her a bath about once a week but she typically plays in her water dish several times throughout the week and soaks everything in the cage. Even when she has just had a bath, she will go back into her cage and straight to the water dish. Can't get enough. Yours is very cute :)
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Reminds me of my GCC, Eva! She LOOOOVES her bath time. I give her a bath about once a week but she typically plays in her water dish several times throughout the week and soaks everything in the cage. Even when she has just had a bath, she will go back into her cage and straight to the water dish. Can't get enough. Yours is very cute :)

Thank you! He's a little character. He's been in a bad mood the past couple of days so it was nice to see him happy and playing in his little birdie bath.
Oh Eva gets the same way. I can always tell when she's in "a mood" as I call it. That's when I know to just let her do her thing and not mess with her haha.
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Lol. He gets so ornery. Biting (not hard at all, just little get away from me bites), or he'll push my hand away with the top of his beak. After me trying for a little he finally gives in so I can put him on my shoulder and scratch his beak. We finally got to where he'll let me touch the top of his head now too!! :D

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