We're Back!


Supporting Member
Jun 5, 2014
Alberta, Canada
Pixie the White Bellied Caique
Hi Everyone! Rick and I are so glad to be back here now that we have a computer again. I thought those of you that like pictures would like to see how Pixie has grown into a year old little diva. I will see what her weight is this weekend at the vet but according to pictures I have seen she is very small for a Caique and we like it that way! As you will see she has one black feather that popped up in the middle of her forhead which is hilarious. She is fully flighted and yet chooses not to fly most of the time. She has been a great eater and I am happy to say after trying numerous times to introduce pellets over the last year. She started on Nutri-Berries at first and now eats any pellet I feed her. Although we have 3 older dogs we love dearly, Pixie has been the light of our lives this past year. She is such an insanely happy little girl!
Glad to be Back!

What a beautiful girl ! I remember her :)
Welcome back! Pixie is too cute for words! I love, love, love the photos!
Welcome back Shauna, Rick & of course Pixie!! She's looking stunning! And I loved hearing how she's the light of your life. Those Caiques are clowns, aren't they? :D
So nice to see you back! And what stunningly beautiful photos of Pixie!
Welcome back Shauna, Rick & of course Pixie!! She's looking stunning! And I loved hearing how she's the light of your life. Those Caiques are clowns, aren't they? :D

cLoWnZ?!?!? CLoWNZZ?!! hOw dARe u SaY tHaT aBoUt cAiKs! wE aRE mOdELs oF dEcKoRuM , tAsTE aND gOoD mAnNeRz. nOt To mEnTion inTeLliGunCE! iF iT wEren'T fOR us TrAinIng R hUmaN eVrY dAy, hE'd Be eVEn MOrE uSeLesS tHaN hE alReaDY iS.

wE deMaNd aN aPoLoGY! dOnT fOrGeT wE hAvE oUr oWn fEdeX aCcOunt! dOn'T MakE uS cOmE oUt tHeRE!!!!

LuV frOm ELiZa AnD hEnRY

PS hI PiXiE!!!!!
Welcome back Shauna! Pixie is absolutely a doll! :)

What? She has a "beauty mark" now? Lol, it's adorable.. it should go away in the next molt though :). Nice update!

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