Went mean overnight!


New member
Dec 29, 2013
Dusty a Green cheek conure parrot born mid October 2013
About 3 weeks ago we bought a 13 wk old green cheek conure. He was raised indoors hand trained and has been beautiful super friendly, learning games with us, following us everywhere, kissing. A beautiful natured lil thing.
Overnight he turned mean!
He still wants to sit on us but then just attacks out of the blue. At first we thought he was hurt somehow but he's not displaying any other signs. He squawks and bites or squawks and charges even while sittin on shoulder.

My 10 yr old had been a bit rough trying to unlatch him before he went mean but didn't hurt him, we have the 10 yr old not handling him letting the bird climb on him if he wants too, and the bird still does snuggle on him.

Hubby has taken to putting bird in a timeout box after biting for 30'seconds will this help?

Any ideas? Please I loved my sweet baby and now I avoid him
I do not advice putting the bird in a time out box. All this will do is make him lose trust in you or worse, enforce or cause behavioral issues. When he bites, give him a firm 'NO' and leave him be for a while. Try to avoid situations where he would end up biting you. If it continues or he tries to fly to you just to bite, keep him in the cage for your safety, and his, until he calms down. The best way to keep the biting from becoming a habit is to avoid the triggers. I would find reasons as to why he is biting. There are tons, and I would suggest doing some research on this forum or other sources online. I would check to make sure he is not hungry, not in any pain, or is not distressed by something in his surroundings. Sometimes, they scream to get attention so make sure not to enforce this behavior by waiting to address them after they've quieted down. I've heard of 'bluffing' in GCCs, see if you can find one of the many threads about it.

It will be a test on your patience but that is part of our responsibility in keeping a beautiful, wild animal in our home. :) Good luck and hope everything turns out well in time!
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Well first things first, your green cheek wasn't being mean. Animals cannot be mean..they act based on instinct. It could be a number of things - lack of nutritious foods, lack of sleep, being startled by something out of the ordinary, maybe you guys were wearing a certain article of clothing or color that he found alarming.

I wouldn't allow him on your shoulder until he and your family come to a level of trust and understanding that you are both comfortable with. Some people are okay with the occasional nip on the ear..some people aren't at all. Some birds like to nip more than others. It's all about feeling each other out and this takes time.

Just keep investigating, starting first and foremost with proper diet and sleep. Always try to be gentle and happy around your bird..they sure can pick up on your emotions fast.

Instead of putting him in a time-out box, if he bites, have him do several step ups, give him an upset look and say "No bite". Then leave him alone for a while, maybe on a play stand or in his cage (with the door open) to let him know that if he bites, he has to ..one..work hard, and two, not get to play with his fun humans.

GOod luck!

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