Well, that's unpleasant...


May 19, 2013
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Cockatiels - Oz & Kaila
I went to the petshop to buy some pellets yesterday and today realised that they've been expired for 2 months... Luckily, I noticed before opening them and giving them to Oz but still. I'll be going back today but I don't know what to expect. Are they obligated to refund/replace?

I'm the kind of person that doesn't touch yogurt if it expired the same day so of course the thought of giving my baby expired food bothers me and I refuse to do it.
Yes, they shouldn't give you any trouble about replacing the food. I'm not sure about their refund policy, but definately they would have to give you store credit for the expired food!
They should definitely either promptly refund your money or give you a batch of FRESH pellets, no ifs, and, or buts. :)
I hope so, how do you not see that a product has been bad for 2 whole months =I
I hope so, how do you not see that a product has been bad for 2 whole months =I

Bad store management. I work at a store and the amount of people I work with that push the older stock to the back and just whack the new stuff up front (because of laziness!) just infuriates me.

Stock rotation is so key when it comes to foods and stuff and if you arn't all electronicly updated and stuff you depend on stock rotation and the odd checks to make sure things arn't out of date. If it's a little corner store type thing then it's easy to miss if you've not got staff rotating properly.

Stock rotation done improperly really grinds my gears.

We always swap the product or give refunds at our stores if there's any issue with the product - but because our systems are all electronicly managed we cannot scan anything through the till that is out of date because we get a big nice error message screaming at us and it refuses to put it through.

It's easily done to miss old stock occassionally; just go back, explain that you've been sold out of date food and ask to replace it with an in date one instead. If you have your receipt, take it. :)
I have read that some pellets are fine up to 3 months past their "expiration date" if they have not been opened. Pellets should also be used up within 6 months or less of opening up the bag to preserve freshness.

That said, I'd still take them back for a refund or an exchange on a fresher bag!!!! And if the store gives you any hassle then go directly to the manufacturer of the pellets and describe the problem to them! They may offer some help!

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