Well, getting started up again.....Chickens!


Active member
Jul 14, 2015
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Maine, USA
Willow the Umbrella Cockatoo
Just thought I'd post up, our last batch of chickens started plucking each other really bad and stopped laying, what eggs were getting laid were getting eaten. So we ended up butchering the ones we had, (Unfortunate, but they were costing way too much in food and I'm not giving away "problem" birds) and this spring removed the old coop and fencing to put in all new posts and a new, better designed coop.

Well, new coop is MUCH improved, much easier to clean out, 4 proper nesting boxes in their own compartment (in the back) better ventilation, higher off the ground, guillotine door, roost-style ramp so crap doesn't freeze on it, and VERY strong. (I'm over 300 lbs and can stand in it.) New yard is a tad bigger as well, went from 20x20' to 24x24', and have a much better designed door to the yard.

Very happy with my setup, and the chicks a Buff Orpingtons and should be much more docile. (More than the Rhode Island Reds were)

Anywho, here are some pics!

That is one AWESOME setup for your chickens!!! I so wish we could keep them here....I have to be patient. In 3 years, AFTER we move, I WILL have my very own chickens, too. :)

Thank you for sharing!!!
This happened too.... literally 2 minutes after my brother and I finished the yard, we're picking up tools and the Peregrine Falcon (who lives on the property) decided to check for chicken nuggets....


:eek: Oh no!!! A Peregrine could easily snatch one up, right? A friend of mine had every single one of her chickens killed by birds of prey. Until then I never realized they’d go after them. (LOL @ chicken nuggets)
:eek: Oh no!!! A Peregrine could easily snatch one up, right? A friend of mine had every single one of her chickens killed by birds of prey. Until then I never realized they’d go after them. (LOL @ chicken nuggets)

They could....they have been known to take something as large as a duck.

At this point *usually* they won't take anything larger than a pigeon, and this one eats mostly vermin. Luckily I have 8 (plus my next-door neighbor's 10) acres of field, so there's plenty of snakes, mice, voles, and moles for this guy to eat.

I'm pretty sure (maybe wishful thinking?) (s)he was just checking out the new yard/coop. (Chicks were still inside at that point.)
That is so awesome. I wish i could have chicken, but not at the moment. One day for sure though.
Very nice looking setup. In the future, I would love to adopt some hens past their laying days (don't eat the eggs, love the idea of the chickens as garden pest control and giving some birds who would otherwise be killed a loving home to live out their natural lives:)).
Very nice looking setup. In the future, I would love to adopt some hens past their laying days (don't eat the eggs, love the idea of the chickens as garden pest control and giving some birds who would otherwise be killed a loving home to live out their natural lives:)).

I can understand both sides. It can be hard (especially raising them from day 1) slaughtering them, but there is ALWAYS a ton of post-laying hens being given away, to the point where nobody wants them. (Around here anyway.)

At least this way, the meat didn't go to waste, and the birds aren't being neglected. Unfortunately I do raise them for eggs, so once they are past "laying age" (3-4 years) those are the options....keep them as pets (which is very expensive) or try to find somebody who wants them.
That is so awesome. I wish i could have chicken, but not at the moment. One day for sure though.

They are nice to have around, they definitely help keep the bugs down. (As well as "fertilize" the lawn, lol)

I absolutely LOVE fresh eggs tho, they really do taste so much better. And I generally have enough extras to sell enough to pay for their food, so that is nice as well!
Was watching Willow the other morning, noticed someone else peeking in my bedroom window...




Yay, farm fresh eggs! I was just about to go cook some now. Store bought kind lol.
Yay, farm fresh eggs! I was just about to go cook some now. Store bought kind lol.

I've been telling them that they would become freezer meat if they didn't start laying, lol

I love fresh eggs, they really do taste better. The only time store bought is better is when you want hard boiled eggs.
Congrats on the first egg! My girls are on strike and molting right now. All of mine are free range and so predators are always an issue. We have a Golden Eagle hanging around right now, he's only gotten one girl. I've managed to chase him off when he came back for more.
Yay, farm fresh eggs! I was just about to go cook some now. Store bought kind lol.

I've been telling them that they would become freezer meat if they didn't start laying, lol

I love fresh eggs, they really do taste better. The only time store bought is better is when you want hard boiled eggs.

I bet they do. But I have no choice :(. Why is store bought better for hard boiled? I love HB eggs too.
Yay, farm fresh eggs! I was just about to go cook some now. Store bought kind lol.

I've been telling them that they would become freezer meat if they didn't start laying, lol

I love fresh eggs, they really do taste better. The only time store bought is better is when you want hard boiled eggs.

I bet they do. But I have no choice :(. Why is store bought better for hard boiled? I love HB eggs too.

Basically, the older they are, the more the membranes break down. Fresh eggs will just disintegrate when you try to separate the shell from the white. Store bought eggs tend the be older and shell easier.
I bet they do. But I have no choice :(. Why is store bought better for hard boiled? I love HB eggs too.

Basically, the older they are, the more the membranes break down. Fresh eggs will just disintegrate when you try to separate the shell from the white. Store bought eggs tend the be older and shell easier.

I hate when boiled eggs don't shell easily. All I ever have are store bought eggs, and I notice sometimes they're easy and some times they're not. Maybe I'll look at the date and use the oldest ones to boil. I haven't had HB eggs for a while now, sounds good!

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