Welcome to the Family Sunny!


New member
Mar 18, 2015
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Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
Hi everyone!

It's been a while since we posted last. Kyo my GCC is doing well, and Charlie (Canary) and Tommy (Budgie) have been enjoying the giant flight cages I got them last year.

I was starting to notice Tommy calling a lot. And he always wants to be friends with the other birds but they ignore him. I started to get worried about his emotional well-being. He also started to form unhealthy attachments to toys in his cage. Sure signs of being lonely.

So hubby and I talked. We lost our big cat Dougal in December, and we figured that has opened up another spot for another pet in need.

I posted on the local Facebook group for bird owners and asked if anyone had a single budgie they wanted to rehome. I really didn't want to go to a breeder or a pet store.

By the next day, we drove out and met a little cheeky yellow budgie named Sunshine. He isn't tame but he's also not afraid of people at all. He will eat out of my hand and has no problem with hands in his cage. We couldn't leave without him.

We don't have any photos yet, but he's settling in great. I cannot wait to put him in the giant flight cage with Tommy (as long as they get along that is). He had never been out of his tiny cage and when I let him out yesterday the look on his little face was pure bliss. He managed to get used to flying around fairly quickly and we love him to pieces already.

All the best,
Sarah and the Crew!:yellow2:
Yay! Welcome, Sunny and welcome back Sarah:) Nice to have you back:)
Sounds like he’s a great fit - can’t wait to see pictures!
Your flock sounds like an absolutely lovely little bunch!
Welcome, Kyoto! Pretty name (and beautiful city)...
Welcome little Sunny !
As of last week, Sunny and Tommy are living together now. And they seem so happy :)

I am so glad I brought Sunny home. He hasn't figured out how to come out on his own yet, but he has stepped onto my hand for millet a few times now. I can't believe how well he and Tommy get along, it's like they were meant to be together. I'm so happy I decided to bring home another adorable little budgie. Their happy singing fills me with joy.

As well, the taming progress has been remarkable! Tommy has learned to trust me even more, and I was worried I'd lose all my progress bringing Sunny home, but it's been the opposite.

Here's a quick shot of Tommy when I caught him sleeping upside down the other night:


And the boys hanging out together :)


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