Welcome Sam!


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
G'day Sam! It's great to see you here and I hope you enjoy meeting our members and hearing about their birds. :)

Everyone: Sam is my friend - in fact, she's the one who returned my Barney to me when he flew off back in December. Sam keeps lorikeets (Rainbow and Scaly-breasted) and a little birdie tells me she'll have some IRNs before long. :)
Welcome to Parrot Forums!!!

And Sam? I just want to personally thank you for what you did for Trish. She is a dear friend of mine, and I know just how deeply it affected her when she thought she'd lost Barney. You went above and beyond to make sure that they were reunited, and if more people conducted themselves as you did we'd likely hear of a lot more happy reunions between parronts and their lost fids. So again, thank you.

Btw, Trish... Uhmm... what's her username?
Welcome Sam! So glad you joined us. I've been so grateful to you for helping dear Barney find his way home. Very nice to meet you.
Hi Sam! Welcome! Thank you so much for keeping Barney safe until he could be reunited with his mum!:D
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Sam's username is samanthavecera. :)
Hi Sam and welcome! I also want to thank you for keeping Barney safe til he could get back home. You made the entire forum happy and grateful by helping our Trish and Barney to be reunited:)
I am so happy you joined us!

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