Welcome home Charlie


New member
Mar 18, 2015
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Halifax, NS, Canada
Kyoto (AKA Kyo)-Green Cheek Conure
Charlie - Canary
Tommy - Budgie
Sunny - budgie
Well, Charlie (My grandfather's canary) is home.

I have a feeling he may have been somewhat tame before my grandfather got him. He allowed me to pick him up to transport him into his new big home no problem.

He hasn't moved from his perch since he got here. I'm hoping he will settle down a bit in a few days. He was not a fan of the car, taking him to the vet in a few days is going to be really fun.

I'm so proud of Kyo! She is being so good about him being here. She only flew over to his cage once, and as soon as I took her away she stayed with me.

My husband talked me out of quarantine where we've known him so long and he's never had any issues... here's hoping that Kyo will leave him alone and that he'll settle in. Plus I'm not going to allow the two of them out together to be on the safe side. I do think that I could work on taming him, he doesn't freak out with my hands in his cage and I would love to be able to let him out to have some freedom.

I've been playing canary songs for him and talking softly to him hoping to help him settle in. Kyo seems to really like the canary songs so hopefully she will enjoy his company from across the room when I'm not home. If there's anything else I can do for him to help him settle in please let me know.

Wish us luck! If it doesn't work out my mom is going to take him, but we are really hoping everything will be okay.:54:
Congratulations on adopting Charlie! Great that he's able to remain in the family, and will still be even if your mom ends up adopting him. Is he a male? I love the song of a male Canary. Of course different types have a different song and individuals have a different voice, but I love hearing them.
Welcome home Charlie hope he settles in well and that he enjoys his new surroundings :) It sounds like he is off to a Great start :)
Charlie is singing today, but I haven't seen him eat yet… or move from the same perch. Keeping my fingers crossed he gets brave soon.
Welcome home, Charlie! Congrats Sarah, thank you for adopting the little guy. I hope things work out wonderfully for your newest addition.
I saw him move around his cage yesterday which is a start, and drink water. Not sure if he's eaten yet... hopeful that today will be the day.

Kyo is starting to get more curious than I would like, so I've had to put a cover on top of his cage when she is out or she obsessively stands over him to intimidate him. This may not work out but I'm not going to move him again until he is eating well for certain.

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