Weird Sammie


New member
Sep 29, 2013
Stayed up a little later than usual tonight and Sammie decided to fall asleep like this.

Aw!! That Sammie is a funny girl! :)

I love that mat. If Raven doesn't play with his rolled up stuffed one pretty soon, I might try to flatten it out and make one of those out of it! I have those little cups too. They're cute.
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There used to be more toys on there but she chewed them off. I need to zip tie some more on.
Awww, Sammie was plumb tuckered out:) I also love that mat!
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Hi Karen!

Such a CUTE picture !! LOL I also Love the mat

Did you have to wake her up for bed? :rolleyes:

Thanks for sharing

Oh yeah, the sennies are pretty easy about late bedtimes. We put them up when we go to bed. They like to be out as long as we're up, but Zoe on the other hand is a very grumpy girl (still don't have the DNA yet, but hope springs eternal) if she's not in bed by 9.
Everyone here like late bedtimes too. Even though in a "perfect world" they should have 10-12 hrs. solid sleep, I like to make sure they have 9. At least 8. I don't have black out curtains so I don't know how much they 'actually' get.

Griffin is always up first. I think he might be used to his old schedule before I got him ;) Thank goodness they're not morning screamers :) They softly chatter or talk while under their covers lol.
My birds always live and sleep around my schedule, As long as they can be kept in a dark room they will sleep in just like us LOL, I have gotten up "late" at 10 AM and peak under his cage cove to find him asleep

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