Weighing in


New member
May 13, 2020
Spring Hill, FL
Basil - 22yr male SI Eclectus
River - male GCC
Nemo - female BCC - handicapped
Summer - female pineapple gcc
Rainbow - male yellow side gcc
Lando - male black headed caique
Paprika - female SI eclectu
I am new to the forum, but have had my male SI for 22 years now. I recently began weighing him as concern he didn’t like a food switch I made. He is averaging around 360 grams. I see weights all over the place for SI and was wondering what everyone else is seeing their SI Ekkies weigh in at.

Also, how do you all combat picky eating? He used to love pomegranate but now doesn’t touch it.

Thanks everyone , hope you are staying safe.
Weighing is good to check the trend of your bird's health. I.e., if there is a sudden drop, you should be concerned.

That being said, if you want to see if your bird is at a health size, checking the keel bone is a more accurate gauge.


Note that domestic birds can either be fatter due to lack of exercise (no way to work it off) or skinnier due to lack of exercise (no way to build up muscle). There is also the element of genetics - some are just prone to a more lean profile than others. Our boy eats just fine, but he's more a lean 2 because he flies it off but doesn't build up muscle much.

As always, check with an avian vet first to get a good baseline and dialogue going with a professional who will help keep your bird's medical history.

Oh, and 360g can be ok for an SI, especially if they're petite and you account for personal difference, but you'll only know with a keel bone check and confirmation from an avian vet.
Thanks, Charmed. That chart is exactly what came to mind, and there it is!

The point here being, while there might be a general range, each bird is an individual. Numbers in books are not super relevant, especially with so much hybridization in various species. Is my guy 100% red sided? I have no idea. He might be... I know he's solid and healthy at his current, consistent 420 grams, give or take a few.

What's important is just to establish what is a healthy weight for YOUR bird, and go from there.
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I have had him for all 22 years of his life, since eh was 5-6 weeks old and just started to get his green feathers. Actually bought him as an unhatched egg, so no idea if he was going to be a girl or a boy...

Anyways, I digress.... He is definitely feeling in my fingers / hands like #3 in the chart. His keel bone can be felt, but its not sharp. His breasts are firm, but not sunk in.

I am going to go with that he is fine. If I could share a picture directly on here I would, but doesn't seem I can.

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