We had a Secret Santa!


New member
Mar 21, 2010
Baltimore, MD
Sammy-Umbrella Too-rescued,
Dexter-CAG-rehomed handicapped,
Sterling-CAG-rehomed retired breeder.
Sunshine-12 yo CAG-adopted
Well, we received a package in the mail marked for the flock! It was from a friend on another forum and I wanted to share the pics! The gift was a huge hit! Sammy was very excited and eager to investigate! Dexter was his typical cautious self, but I am sure once everything is in his cage he will be fine. Sterling and Penny will get their gifts in their cage tomorrow! Most everything was homemade and they were fantastic! The paper mache balls had goodies inside and the coffee filter hanging toy will go to Dex because he loves those. Sammy will get the big yucca chew toy and Penny and Sterling will get the fan/fingertrap toy. Everyone will get a ball! Each flock member will get a birdy ring for their size!
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