We are back..


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
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Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
...from the vet. This time around it was a good exam :D Doc Kristen checked Amy first. Listened to her heart and lungs and said they sound fine. Pulled her arms out and inspected them and her long sleeves. The doc said Amy is in excellent feather..that made me feel real good. We talked about diet and weight and how anal I've been that last few weeks. The Doc also checked Amys keel bone and said it "might" feel abit thicker (from Amys flap flap lessons I guess) but it didn't feel any worse.
Amys nails got trimmed and of course she put up a struggle while being examed. When put back in her carrier she was panting pretty hard again and held her arms out from her body just a bit,but it only took about 6 or 7 minutes to get back to normal,not like the last time,so I guess the heart med is doing its job too,plus the weight lose. Their scale jives perfectly with mine,both said 507g's. Doc Kristen said a good weight for Amy would be between 490 and 510 taking in consideration of her age and body "type"

At the next wellness check the doc suggested just a little sedative,to make Amy relax and not get so worked up.

The doc said Beebs is a perfect example of a very healthy and young cockatiel! :D :D He got his nails done but NO short sleeves!!
The doc even agreed with what everyone said about flying..good for their health and phycological well being etc!
I am very happy with myself for not getting his sleeves shortened.

Again I want to thank everyone who commented on this very touchy subject.
You really didn't sway me one way or the other,in the back of my mind I knew what I was going to do but I needed everyones thoughts anyway. THANKS A BUNCH!!;)

NICE.... :cool: I am glad that you all are happy. ;)

I can't wait for my baby Kise to get her fully wings and see her trying to fly... Hope she can. BUT I don't know since she has never learn to fly before... :rolleyes:

Now THAT's a good visit! I'm so happy. Just shows to go ya how great vet care and great parronting make for great results.

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