War of the Trash


Active member
Sep 3, 2011
Knoxville, TN
Blue Crown Conures: Tootsie and Rosco.
Senegal Parrot: Sidney.

Feathers of the past:
Budgies: Sunshine, Digit, Kiwi, and Yahto.
Senegal Parrot: Kelly.
"Fly free, little ones. Love and miss you."
For some reason, Sidney has developed a fascination with the kitchen. It has been a place that he has never been allowed to go into and never seemed to have an interest til recently. But now, he wants in there. And if he gets in there, mayhem is sure to ensue if there is anything on the counters. I had a milk carton on the counter that I just washed out. He comes screaming in and went full at it. Smashed into it and ended up him landing on the floor with the carton. It took me a few minutes to get him to let go.

So just a little bit ago, he scared me. He blasted off from my shoulder, flew down the hall and went into the dark kitchen and I heard a crash. I went in, turn the light on and could not find him. No sound. I was getting a bit scared and started pulling out the stove to see if he got in there when I heard a noise from the recycle bin. Then a commotion. I popped the lid off and there he was in a full battle with all the paper, cartons and cans inside of there. He was TICKED OFF! I tried to pluck him out and he went after my hand. I eventually ended up lifting out a box, bopping him on the head to redirect him at it and while he fought with the box I lifted him out and was able to take him back to his cage. It took me a couple of minutes to detach him from the box and get the cage door closed. Now he is quietly preening like nothing happened.

What a little monster!
Sounds like he knew what he wanted to do :) . They are so smart !!! Im sure this will be his new thing.
Both Foo and Zeki love the kitchen. All fruits, vege and bread items that used to live in the open are now all in enclosed wicker containers. Meats have to be left in the microwave or fridge for defrosting.

Recycling and garbage have to be lidded.

Over all it's made my kitchen look a little neater. Maybe I should thank them. ;)
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Sounds like he knew what he wanted to do :) . They are so smart !!! Im sure this will be his new thing.

I sure hope it is not. But he seems bound and determined to be in there. I suppose that he is going to force me to make sure the kitchen counters are cleared off and uncluttered. With the way he goes into full battle with a spoon or fork, I shudder to think what would happen if he got a hold of a sharp knife. I don't think he would stop even though he was hurting himself. All common sense goes out of his mind when he goes after something.
That's funny James. Sounds just like a Poi when he attached himself to the box and hung on lol.

I remember Sidney jumped off your shoulder into the freezer that one time... I know you keep him safe obviously, so I can't wait to see what's next!

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