Want to expand my flock


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Pasadena, CA
~SI female eclectus: Nalani~
~pineapple.turquoise GCC: Layla~
So, I went to the parrot store where I get tubs of mixed fruits and veggies for Nalani. The owner knows Nalani really well and informed me that there are Eclectus eggs that are currently nesting. OH BOY!!

Ever since I got Nalani, I have always been interested in getting another bird. I had put Nalani with AG's, mini macaws and other ekkies. She really enjoyed their company and would preen the other birds. I am not interested in breeding or have any hopes of breeding in the future. They will never be caged together and will only have supervised "playtime". Now, this brings me to question is another eclectus (male) what I want, or a rose breasted cockatoo.

Of course I have an eclectus currently and I know what it is like to live with one. I feel that by getting a male, it would be "simpler". The diet is the same, I understand their body language, I know what they like and dislike (although different birds have different personalities ;)). I know that they aren't affectionate birds and I understand the noise they can make. Personally I love the coloration and just the overall look of the male eclectus and was at a serious crossroad when picking Nalani.

As for the cockatoo, I also know another breeder that has rose breasted cockatoo eggs that are nesting currently!! He is an awesome guy with lots of experience and knowledge. I have been researching on galahs for quite some time. I love their little baby voices, animated personalities and affection is a huge plus. However, I have been around cockatoos enough to know they are loud birds. They require more time and attention compared to other species of parrots. They can get anxiety and are prone to pluck.

With all that said, I am not getting a bird tomorrow or next month. They will probably be weaned and ready to come home around summer. Which is a relief, I have some time to really put some thought before taking the big step. I just wanted to hear some of your opinions and suggestions... galah or eclectus. :white1::red:
Go for the male ekkie!
I would go with the Ekkie too.
Cockatoo's are known to be velcro birds and some do not play well with other birds. Of course each bird is an individual and you may get lucky.
A practical aspect of it is that you can easily make food for both of them. My birds eat the same thing everyday, I just make twice as much as I used to.
Hmmm, I like both! My ekkie is a cat with feathers, he is super independent and compared to the Toos easier to keep. Our RB2 is still all baby and hasnt settled yet, shes into EVERYTHING! The RB2 is going to be a lot more destructive than a male ekkie, by a long shot. Both these birds are completely different. What specific characteristics draw you to each, aside from color? What are you looking for in the next bird, personality wise? I love both of what you picked but they couldnt be more different from each other. Maybe if you give us some more info we can help narrow it down some. RB2s dont have the same personality as the larger Toos. Also its a misnomer that Toos 'require' more time than other birds, they dont. What they do is 'demand' more, but this is more with the larger Toos. Toos require more of a routine and strict boundaries. Having an RB2 is not like having a U2 or an M2, the mindset of the smaller Toos is different and its a lot easier to keep them happy, compared to the large ones.
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Great questions Molcan2.

I am drawn to the male ekkie because I feel that as a "companion" for Nalani, it would be the best choice. I think the work will be easier because I already have an eclectus and like Chikoo says, I just multiply that by two. As for personality, I love the fact that they are sweet, calm birds. But dislike the fact that they aren't keen on the affection factor. Another fear I have is that having a male can trigger stronger, more frequent hormonal behaviors. I know first hand that they are not destructive which is a plus but not a determining factor. IMO I think a male ekkie would be easier to care for. I understand their diet, toys, entertainment, grooming and overall care. However, I think after having an ekkie I wanted to go for a bird that would be the opposite of Nalani's personality (not that I don't lover her). Which brought be to the RB2.

If I were to go for an RB2 I would only get a female. I know that the male toos tend to be a bit more high strung, jealous, stressed and prone to bite. What draws me to the RB2 is their spunky, energetic personalities. They are calmer than an U2, but more energetic than an eclectus. I felt that they would be a more manageable too that is similar in size to an ekkie (which is perfect). I understand that an RB2 and Nalani won't be "bff" and will most likely just tolerate or worst case scenario, hate each other. Another negative with the toos are their dust.

To be quiet honest, I am truly lost. I want both!!! I tried writing pros and cons, charting... but at the end of the day, I'm still stuck. My heart was set on an RB2, then when the breeder told me there are ekkie eggs nesting, my mind clouded.
The plus is that you have time to decide :D. I once knew of a female ekkie being housed with a female zon, the pair preened each other and were quite fond of each other (kept in the same cage 24/7). The one good thing about having a male and female ekkie is that they dont mate for life and often have multiple partners at the same time (they also dont have a season per say and will breed year round). One of the few parrot species that do this. Your definitely going to have a more outgoing personality with the RB2. Male ekkies tend to be more reserved. The RB2's love of life is probably going to be wood (big time chewers - Rosie is 10x more destructive than Rome), the male ekkies love of life will be food. As long as the area your keeping them is well ventilated you should be fine as far as dust is concerned. Roc is housed with the RB2 and the M2 on the back screened in porch and its never been a problem. If your going to keep them inside I suggest a couple of air purifiers and a rigorous cleaning schedule and I dont think it will be a problem.

Its a tough choice between the two. If your wanting something a little more social and 'cuddly' I would go with the RB2. If your wanting something thats lower maintenance then I would go with the male Ekkie.

I usually tell people to go to rescues to visit both types, but both of these types of birds are seldom found in rescues (and when they are, usually adopted fast). Either bird IMPO would be an excellent choice. Just depends on what you are wanting in your next bird. Its good that you have time to really sort out what you want before having to make a decision. Good Luck ;) Let us know when you decide!
Oh, the 'male Too' issues that you hear about are more for the larger Toos (the U2s, M2s, MM2s etc). Remember your talking smaller Toos, they really should be split into two categories when it comes to behavioral (large vs. small). If your heart is set on an RB2 then I would suggest going for it, otherwise you wont be getting what you truly want. It seems like your reasons for getting a male ekkie are more for Nalani and your reasons for getting an RB2 are more for you. From what you listed it seems to point more toward an RB2.
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maybe , LOL. both

Hahaha!! its funny, because I was actually thinking about that right now! I wish!! I think I'm just gonna do more research and try to visit them as much as possible. Maybe the birds personality will choose me. Either way, I think if I get one... a year later I might get the other one. hahaha. call me obsessed. :10:
I think an eclectus sounds better for you. Cockatoos are some of the most demanding parrot species. Not sure you want to go down that road already feeling like they may be to demanding for your taste.

Having said that I think you'd maybe be better off going with another female eclectus then a male since you don't want them to breed. All my advice is based on countless articles I've read though I know having experience can be different. But that's my two cents. :)
Definitely both :)! Maybe getting the eclectus first just to see how to fair with more then one big bird, then just keep adding.

Start a mini zoo lol!

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