Waiting for my Grey to come home


New member
Jul 8, 2012
Hi all,
I finally found a grey! I searched and visited so many stores and breeders. I finally found a place "Parrot Paradise" in Burlington NJ. I visited a few times and finally found a Congo Grey with a beautiful personality. I have visited a few times and we will be taking him home in November. Here are some questions I thought you all might be able to help with:
Some people suggest a sleeping cage for "Chulo" ...do any of you suggest or use a sleeping cage?
I have been reading a lot about greys and most of the research shows that greys need about 10-12 hours of sleep a day - covered and in a quiet place. True? Does anyone have a schedule they use?
One of the books I read and it was also a suggestion from the store is not to have a play gym on top of the cage - mine does ...should I remove it.

30 years ago I had a greay and I wasn't knowledgable enough. I didn't do my homework before bringing her home and now that I have done a lot of research I realize that I wasn't a good bird parent . Well, we had to re-home her and she went with a great family so it all worked out. Now I don't want to make the same mistake. Any suggestions or tips are appreciated.

Thank you
I'm curious as to why the store said not to have a play top. If it is a height thing then I have to say that it is most experts opinion now that this is not true. My grey loves her play top! I leave her door open when I'm home and she goes in and out! I feed her breakfast on the top as well as dinner. I have a large java tree and often she will fly down and walk over and on the top of her cage. I'm curious to hear what their reason is.
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They gave me a book to read and the book said that the bird should not be above eye level because it will difficult to train. I guess it is a power struggle game. Maybe the book is old. I would love to leave the cage open and allow him to be out during the day when I can't take him to work. I am visiting with him weekly and while there I walk around with him and try to find toys /treats that he likes. I can imagine it will be a tough transition going from the store to my home.

I just found the paragraph in the book it says:

"Birds should not be allowed to play on top of their cages, since this can lead to behavioral problems. A separate playpen, Parrot Tower, or other similiar play gym should be available for birds to use for exercise and out of cage time playtime. A bird without a separate gym becomes overly protective of the cage"
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I've heard that "myth," too, about not letting your grey go above eye-level. I think if you teach the most important lesson -- "step-up," you shouldn't have too many problems with Chulo being above eye-level.

On the other hand, there are times that I do get the step ladder, when Bindi and Babu are being "ornery" and don't want to go back into their cage. I don't have a playpen on the top of the cage, but they do like to sit on the top. they also have a playpen where they are above eye-level and do quite well.

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