vitapol parrot feed


New member
Mar 31, 2015
Alexandrine - Rio, Budgies - Blu and Tweety
Dear all I found a pet store in my vicinity which had a brand of parrot feed called vitapol. Anybody sure how good is it for alexes? Rio off late is become picky regarding his food. He just want to have food present in my plate and runs off if I try to feed him his meal of fresh veggies and fruits . He is very hungry at times but will just refuse to eat if I don't give in and offer what I am eating.if I try to fool him by giving him his food from my plate he just screeches back at me.:( reminds me of my toddler in her terrible twos:( Is this natural or rio is too tame to behave like a parrot?
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Also forgot to mention he isn't fond of pellets either. I managed to get a packet of zupreem online.
What is he eating now? It's important not to drastically change his diet, he needs time to convert to fresh foods or pellets.
What type of food are you eating? If you can, making the same plate with the same foods might interest him. I don't see why you can't add in a little bit more on your plate and share some ;)
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Dear EAI Rio eats steamed vegetables I make for us for the day. He loves sweet corn so I add it to his bowl of meal. fruits include apples pears grapes chikoos papaya. As my five year old loves fruit salad he gets the same in smaller quantities. I am not sure if I can give him eggs fish and chicken. He loves indian flat breads known as rotis. He gets them as treats. It's just that he is very picky. He gobbled up boiled kidney beans today. But I don't know whether he will eat it tommorow. In between getting my five year old and rio to eat healthy I am stuck between the devil and the deep sea.
What a great sounding diet! Maybe you can mix up his food every day, or make a pattern of what he gets?
For certain, eggs and chicken are okay to eat. Eggs are a great source of calcium! Just make sure they are in small quantities and are more of a "treat". I'm kind of stuck on solid advice (my brain is fried from studying), hopefully someone will come and chime in.

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