Vet visit. :)


New member
Apr 25, 2013
IRN blue
So, Bobby is in his smaller cage, awaiting to go to the vets. Hubby got him in there with some treats and trickery. (he will never fall for it again)

I'm a little nervous, I did want hubby to come with me but he's working. Oh well.

Wish us luck, and I'll post what the Vet thinks in a little while.
Good luck!

Just as a heads up for carrier training. Take him fun places in it so it's not always the mean old vet who prods and pokes. :)
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That's a really good idea. Thanks. Just got back.

The vet said he looks in good health. He's moulting which is why I've found the feathers. He has been clipped. All the way through all feathers. So when they grow back they're a little weird for him.

And the bent feather along with the one next to it, started bleeding as soon as the vet spread his wings properly. So he had to have two blood feathers pulled. Poor mite.

I've to watch them now, and make sure there is no more bleeding. As the vets receptionist rang me back paniking as the vet found blood. Well there was as he was bleeding when we got there. :( eek.... glad I did have an appointment.

Bobby is now sulking. I hope he will be okay with me after this.
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He's been preening. And has gone to bed early. He's puffed up and asleep on one foot now. Would this be normal behaviour? After a pretty stressful day?

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