Vet visit for my pups


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Gilbert Oliver, Blue Crown Conure; Georgie, Sun Conure (2/8/01-8/8/12) RIP little girl; Percy, budgie 1993-1999. RIP Pepito-spanish timbrado canary
With Georgie dying so 'freakishly' i decided to bring my dogs for a quick visit to the vet (the one dog was due for his dentistry anyhow). All is well. Peace of mind is a good thing.

Anyhow it got me thinking of my dog Chu Chu, who went for the dentistry. I adopted him in May 2006 from a kill shelter. He was a stray dog of unknown age (approx 6). He was malnourished, had horrible teeth, didn't know how to play and he used to bite me. He seemed neglected at BEST and abused at worst.

He took a lot of work and even more patience, but has become a wonderful dog. A stranger could run up to him on the street and pick him up and he just soaks up the love. He has such loyalty to me.

But poor Chu seems to always get the short end of the stick. He has almost no teeth left (lost 3 more on Friday), he has such allergies that he has chewed bald patches (trying a different medication for it), he has IBS and has to have a strict diet, the dog even had cancer (the shelter adopted him out as neutered, but he had undescended testicles that i wasn't aware of until his belly swelled up). Through all that, he is this stoic dog, well behaved, easy. It almost makes me cry to think of how he was cheated for so many years in his early life when he deserved much more.

I know i'm rambling a little but i just thought, maybe someone out there is about to give up on their pet who may be a little like Chu Chu--"damaged goods" and difficult. I had my days where i wondered if there would be light at the end of the tunnel. I can't imagine my life without this wonderful dog now! He was worth my efforts. :)

Chu is the tan dog on the left. Pinto and Kisses are the other two. The 3 of them ADORE each other!

Sometimes the best gems just need a little more tlc than the rest. The last cat I got was tossed out like a piece of garbage in a box in a dumpster. Someone found him and the vet wasn't sure he was going to make it, he was nothing but skin and bones. I took him in to foster and nurse back to health, he could barely take two steps without first having to stop and rest. Needless to say I wound up keeping him and he turned out to be the sweetest cat.
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The 3 of them tend to walk like that a lot. I think it's so cute. Even when i have them crated, they have 3 roomy crates, but they all whine to be piled in together. Chu had some pretty severe separation anxiety so he always wants to be touching someone! But it works for them.
Great story :) Thank you so much for not giving up on Chu Chu .
I also had a few rescues. They are the best dogs and they own a huge part of my heart.
The other part my birds own , lolol. I dont own any , no room :):):)
One of my dogs was in such bad shape , mentally , that i was told the best thing ofr her was to put her down. I was like , yeah , not this lifetime !!
I gave her my all and with patience and love , I got her to overcome her fearfulness and lack of trust and now she is a top agility dog :):):)
Our motto , "Just Do It"

Like Chu Chu , she overcame what life through at her ! She is MY hero !
****hugs**** to you Chu :) You rock little man !

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